
The DSHA Athletic Department values athletic excellence, teamwork, leadership, service to others, and sportsmanship. DSHA has earned a competitive reputation in the state of Wisconsin with a number of championships across 15 varsity sports. This includes 10 National Championships, 2 WIARA State Ski Championships, 27 WISAA and WIAA State Championships, 20 Wisconsin state Rugby championships,
17 WISAA and WIAA State Runner-Up Trophies, 45 WIAA Sectional Championships, 13 WIAA Sectional Runner-Up and 67 WIAA Regional Championships since 2001.

Equally proud of our eight non-cut sports, students of all experience and ability levels are encouraged to compete. Over 65% of the student body participates in interscholastic sports. Our outstanding coaching staff works diligently to give student-athletes a quality experience, teaching them not only how to perform in their sport of choice, but how to excel as both leaders and team members.
DSHA is the first school in Wisconsin to earn Level 1 and Level 3 status within the National Federation of State High School Associations’ School Honor Roll Program. This honor recognizes the school and coaches’ dedication to their students’ athletic experiences and professional development.


Rugby: 2023, 2022, 2019, 2017


Basketball: 2015
Cross Country: 2016 (indv.)
Diving: 2024 (indv.), 2020 (indv.)
Field Hockey: 2022, 2020, 2019
Golf: 2024, 2023
Ice Hockey: 2015
Rugby: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014
Ski: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2018
Soccer: 2021, 2016, 2014
Tennis:  2023 (indv. doubles), 2022 (indv. doubles), 2019 (indv.)
Track & Field: 2019 (indv.), 2017
Volleyball: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2015, 2014


The Athletic Department will support DSHA’s mission to develop the whole person and continue to provide a competitive athletic environment that empowers and inspires student–athletes to use their God-given talents to the fullest in a strong, Catholic environment that promotes academics first, competitive success, teamwork, leadership, service and sportsmanship.


The vision of the DSHA Athletic Department is to be the premier athletic program in the state of Wisconsin, setting a standard that other schools strive to meet. The DSHA Athletic Department is committed to developing student-athletes who grow tremendously as teammates and individuals through our core values of academic success, athletic excellence, teamwork, leadership, service and sportsmanship.

Athletic Online Registration

  • Please hang on to your WIAA green physical card or cream WIAA alternate year card as you will need to upload these during the online registration process.
  • Once the online registration process is complete, we ask that you mail in or drop off your WIAA green physical card or WIAA cream alternate card so we have a physical copy on file at school. 
  • You will receive an email in July letting you know that the registration process is open. You and your daughter will need to watch the video meeting, read all material, and complete all of the forms at least one week prior to tryouts or the beginning of your season.

Qualities of a Graduate / Core Athletic Values

List of 6 items.

  • Critical Thinker/Academic Success:

    Athletes will be held to high standards in both academics and athletics.  At all times, their main focus will be first, success in the classroom followed closely by success in athletics.  Athletes will develop time management skills to balance success in both academics and athletics and will be held to the same standards as non-athletes. They will be life-long learners who are adaptable and analytical in both academics and athletics.
  • Critical Thinker/Athletic Excellence:

    Athletes will be able to problem-solve in practice and during games. They will make good decisions during play and think creatively. Athletes will be provided with the resources and opportunities to be successful. This includes quality coaches, competitive schedules, quality equipment and facilities, and off-season opportunities.
  • Communicator/Self-Advocate/Teamwork:

    Athletes will improve interpersonal communication skills with their teammates and coaches, as well as learn to advocate for themselves when appropriate.  They will understand that they can be positive contributors to the team.  This includes accepting their role and unselfishly sacrificing for the good of the team’s success.  Every athlete can contribute by being responsible, accountable and dependable.
  • Leader/Self-Advocate/Leadership:

    Athletes, whether captains or not, can take the initiative and lead with positive influence on their team and in school. Athletes can demonstrate leadership through commitment, quality play, a positive attitude and ‘team first’ mentality. They will motivate and empower teammates to develop their potential, as well as advocate for themselves when appropriate.
  • Believer/Service:

    Athletes in each program will give back to the community in thanks for all they have been given as part of our Catholic identity.  Each program will determine a service project that they will give their combined time and talents for the benefit of others. Athletes will also find ways as a team to recognize God’s loving presence in all things through team prayers and attending Mass together.
  • Believer/Self-Advocate/Sportsmanship:

    Athletes, in their call for justice and integrity, will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times by respecting their school, coaches, teammates, opponents, officials and the game. They will be able to self-advocate in a positive way if they feel they have been treated unfairly and accept the final decision.

Athletic Facilities

Completed in 2015, the three-court Chris and John McDermott Gymnasium is perfectly situated for multiple games/practices in tandem, or one center-court competition. The Sarah M. Hegarty Fitness Center provides athletes a state-of-the art facility for year-round workouts and commitment to fitness and training.

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior
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