Parent eNews

2024-25 eNews

List of 19 items.

2023-24 eNews

List of 27 items.

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, May 13

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, April 29

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, April 15

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, March 18

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, March 4

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, February 19

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, February 5

  • 2024-25 DSHA Major Calendar Dates | Thursday, February 1

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, January 22

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, January 8

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, December 18

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, December 4

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, November 20

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, November 6

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, October 23

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, October 9

  • DSHA Fine Arts eNews | Monday, October 2

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, September 25.

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, September 11

  • PSAT | Info & Test Prep Resources

  • DSHA Fall Musical eNews | Audition Materials and Info

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, August 28

    Click here to view the Parent eNews from Monday, August 28. 

    The slots are full for now for the ACT Workshop on Wednesday, September 27, but we will have multiple ACT prep opportunities for students before the March 2024 ACT test. 

    If you're having trouble signing up for the Woman of Faith Award on Thursday, September 21, please click here. 
  • DSHA Campus Ministry Fall eNews | Monday, August 21

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, August 14

  • DSHA Parent eNews | Monday, July 31

    Parent eNews | Monday, July 31

    Dear DSHA Community,
    I pray that all students, staff, and families are having a safe and restful summer. As we begin this year, please join me in praying that all members of our community experience and embody the goodness and kindness of Jesus which will continue to be our overarching theme as it is foundational to the mission of DSHA and the mission of our sponsors, the Sisters of the Divine Savior.
    One of the delegated responsibilities of the SDS is to Improve the Quality of Life. We will breathe life into this value this year with a focus on the Gospel of John 10:10, "I came that they may have life and live it abundantly." Led by our faithful campus ministry leadership team of students and faculty, in addition to the gospel emphasis, we will inspire our students, faculty, and staff to live out this value with intentional offerings throughout the school year including afternoon prayer reflections, connecting this value to our Advent and Lenten programming, and as part of our Goodness and Kindness assembly during Catholic Schools Week, among other ways the spirit of God will inspire. 
    The Catholic Church’s teaching mission includes inviting young people to a relationship with Jesus Christ or deepening an existing relationship with Jesus, inserting young people into the life of the Church, and assisting young people to see and understand the role of faith in one’s daily life and in the larger society. Last year the DSHA Board of Directors instituted a Catholic Values committee to support DSHA’s effort to form young women of faith by maintaining oversight of our Catholic, Salvatorian mission and identity and in alignment with the National Catholic Standards and Benchmarks for Catholic Schools.
    We are pleased to announce two ways this committee will help to improve the quality of life of our community beginning this year. 
    DSHA Core Values | The committee, with input from faculty and staff, has developed a core values document that publicly states how we go about breathing life into the mission, vision, and qualities of the DSHA graduate.
    The Catholic Values committee has decided to change the name of the quality of Believer to Woman of Faith. The description of the quality will remain the same. The rationale is that the "believer" trait is often misunderstood by students to mean belief in self rather than belief in God. Woman of Faith more specifically reflects the description of the quality and aligns with language used by the Sisters of the Divine Savior. 
    At DSHA we ardently strive to live out our mission as a Catholic, Salvatorian, college-preparatory school for girls. We are excited about the plans for how we will live out this mission with our students this year and we look forward to having the young women of DSHA return to campus here in a couple weeks. 
    May your summer be blessed with quality family time!  
    God Bless, 
    Dan Quesnell 
    Goodness & Kindness Prayer
    Loving Savior, 
    Help me to live your goodness and kindness each day. 
    Remind me that my actions express who I am even more than my words.
    May I love as you loved.
    May I be good to those who wish me harm, forgive those who need forgiveness,
    and reach out in kindness to all I meet so they can experience the unconditional love of God.
    May this community grow together in unity as we seek to be more like you, our Savior.
    Holy Mary Mother of the Savior, pray for us.
    Jesus, Help me to be your Goodness and Kindness.
    Look for the NEW! label to view information new to this edition of the Parent eNews.

    NEW! Thursday, August 17 and Friday, August 18 | Freshman Orientation, Check-In, and Fun Day | We are excited to welcome our incoming freshmen to DSHA! Our newest Dashers will have an opportunity to run through their schedules, meet faculty members, eat lunch with their Dasher Mentors, participate in Mass, and build community.

    Click here for more information about Freshman Orientation, Check-In, and Fun Day. 
    NEW! Thursday, August 17 | Transfer Student Orientation | We are excited to welcome our transfer students to DSHA! Sophomore and junior transfer students should arrive at noon on Thursday, August 17, and report to the foyer where they will meet Student Ambassadors who will assist with pictures, ID, schedules, locker, get to know you and DSHA session, and tour based on schedules. Students will learn DSHA technology and meet with a school counselor. The day will end at 2:45 p.m.

    Click here for more information on Transfer Student Check-In and Orientation.

    NEW! Thursday, August 17 | New Parent Orientation | All parents new to DSHA will meet DSHA staff, learn the nuts and bolts of the DSHA experience, and meet other parents. This will take place at 6:30 p.m. at DSHA.
    NEW! Thursday, August 17 | Check-In Day | Sophomore, junior, and senior information below.

    Click here for more information on DSHA Check-In Day (for sophomores, juniors, and seniors.) 

    NEW! Monday, August 21 | First Day of School | All students attend and are expected to be in uniform.  
    NEW! Tuesday, August 22 from 6 - 8 p.m. | Senior College Information Night | In the Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre, DSHA Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea will review the college applications process including finding the right college fit, DSHA and student responsibilities, transcript request process, letters of recommendation, updates on the fall college process, and more. Seniors should attend with a parent or guardian.
    NEW! Thursday, August 24 | Back to School Night | This night is your opportunity to walk in your daughter's footsteps by following her schedule, meeting her teachers, connecting with other parents, and hearing from school leaders. 
    Click here for the DSHA Master Calendar. 

    Click here for a printable master calendar of important dates. 

    NEW! Milwaukee Southside Transportation | DSHA provides transportation from the Milwaukee Southside through the Johnson Bus Service. The transportation includes two morning stops at Notre Dame Schools and the United Community Center and arrives to DSHA around 7 a.m. each morning. Please click here for more information and details.
    Questions? Contact Principal Dan Quesnell.
    NEW! Dual Credit and AP Courses | DSHA has a record-breaking number of AP and dual credit courses this upcoming school year. With this opportunity, students have even more access to college preparatory and college-level classes.
    We are proud to offer a new AP course, AP Precalculus, and a new dual credit course, Biology 105. Marquette University will be serving as our new, and largest, dual credit partner with seven courses across four departments.

    Click here for more information about dual credit and AP courses. 

    NEW! ALPHA Relocation | To further capitalize on our students’ outstanding academic efforts and preparation, we have relocated our college-inspired, drop-in academic resource center, ALPHA, to the library beginning at the start of the school year. Students can get one-on-one help from math, science, or English faculty at any period throughout the school day.
    A tip for parents of DSHA seniors, encourage your daughter to stop by ALPHA and get help honing her college essays and personal statements. The DSHA English Faculty are experts in this.
    Questions? Contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.
    NEW! DSHA Retreat Dates | Grade level retreats encourage students to develop in their personal faith through a series of faith-enriching experiences, conversations, and prayer experiences. Students are provided opportunities to connect with one another and develop friendships. By placing emphasis on small group experiences, we create spaces where girls feel valued and comfortable growing into the person God created them to be. Girls learn from each other and from older students acting as the small group leaders. The girls are encouraged to give expression to their hopes, dreams, prayers, and are empowered to use their voice, speak their mind, and tell their story.
    DSHA Retreats are mandatory every year with the exception of junior year. Retreats will take place on the following dates:
    Sunday, October 15 - Monday, October 16 | Freshmen Retreat "Set Sail: John 6:21" 

    Freshmen Retreat & Service Day will be held at DSHA and will include the entire freshmen class and 50+ junior and senior student leaders.
    Monday, November 6 - Tuesday, November 7 | Tuesday, November 7 - Wednesday, November 8 | Wednesday, November 8 - Thursday, November 9 | Sophomore Retreat "Through the Turbulence: Isaiah 43:2" 
    The Sophomore Retreat takes place at the Perlstein Retreat Center and is held three times. At each of the retreats, 1/3 of the sophomore class will be present.  
    Sophomore students should choose there retreat date hereSophomore Retreat Dates.  
    Monday, January 15 - Tuesday, January 16 | Junior Retreat "Be Present: Luke 10:38-42"
    Junior Retreat is an optional retreat experience for 15-50 junior students and is held at the Redemptorist Retreat Center.
    Sunday, January 7 - Monday, January 8 | Monday January 15 - Tuesday, January 16 | Senior Retreat

    Senior retreat will take place at Camp Whitcomb Mason and is held twice.
    NEW! Join us for All-School Masses | Parents are invited to join us for all-school Masses each month. Mass begins at 9:38 a.m. in the Robert & Marie Hansen Family Theatre. Please check in at the main office to get a visitor pass and sit in the back right section.
    Here are the dates for our all-school Masses:
    • Thursday, September 14 | Foundation Day Mass
    • Friday, September 29 | Father Jordan Spirit Week/Homecoming Mass
    • Friday, October 20 | October Mass
    • Wednesday, November 1 | All Saints Day Mass
    • Friday, December 8 | Immaculate Conception Mass
    • Tuesday, December 12 | Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass
    • Friday, January 5 | Epiphany Mass
    • Friday, February 2 | Catholic Schools Week Mass
    • Wednesday, February 14 | Ash Wednesday Mass
    • Friday, March 22 | Lent Mass
    • Wednesday, March 27 | All School Stations of the Cross Prayer Service
    • Tuesday, May 14 | End of Year Mass

    Questions? Contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson.
    NEW! Class Schedules | Class schedules will be mailed home the week of Monday, August 7. Please double check that your address in myDSHA is up to date and update it if needed. If you need assistance, please contact Educational Database Coordinator/Registrar Rachel Kirsenlohr. 
    NEW! Student Services Team | The Student Services team is looking forward to meeting, supporting, and serving DSHA students and parents throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the team for assistance:

    NEW! Freshmen & Sophomore Risk Behavior Presentation | Tuesday, October 17 from 6:30-8 pm 
    Parents and students, please save date for October 17. This mandatory presentation is held in the Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre and will focus on behaviors that tend to rise during high school, what to watch out for, and how to support your daughter throughout her years at DSHA. Please look out for future information regarding this event.
    Questions? Contact Director of Student Services Maria Schram.
    NEW! Common Application Information | The 2023-24 common application opens on Tuesday, August 1. Students can log into their account here, and continue working on their applications with the most up-to-date information.
    NEW! Senior College Information Night | Tuesday, August 22 from 6 - 8 p.m.
    In the Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre, DSHA Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea will review the college applications process. She will discuss finding the right college fit, the various DSHA and student responsibilities, transcript request processes, obtaining letters of recommendation, updates on the fall college process, and more. Senior students should attend with a parent or guardian. 
    NEW! Financial Aid Night Date Change | Tuesday, December 5
    Financial Aid Night, open to junior and senior students, will now be held on Tuesday, December 5. This DSHA/MUHS event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at Marquette University High School. More information will be provided closer to the event date. 
    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea.
    NEW! Applied Wellness New Discussion Reflection Groups | Sophomores, juniors, and seniors will be meeting with small discussion and reflection groups at various times throughout the entire school year.
    These small groups will consist of 12 or less students and will be facilitated by Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93, or Applied Wellness Program Assistant Joy Brezovar. Students should refer to their schedule and take note of the day of the week, location, and hour their discussion and reflection group meets each semester. All sophomores, juniors, and seniors will report to their discussion and reflection group the first week of school, Monday, August 21 - Friday, August 25. Future meeting dates will be shared at this first gathering.
    This first small group discussion will highlight the process and procedures of the Applied Wellness (AW) program for the 2023-24 school year. Subsequent discussions will allow students an opportunity to connect with each other and reflect on their AW experiences and how they are navigating their days overall. Attendance is required at all AW small discussion and reflection groups. 
    If your daughter will be out of school during her group meeting, she must contact Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93, as soon as possible to make other arrangements for the week.  
    Questions? Contact Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93.
    NEW! 2023-24 Dasher Time Restructure | The DSHA faculty and staff are always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for our Dashers. We want your daughter(s) to feel a sense of belonging and value at school and to make good use of the faith, academic, co-curricular, and leadership opportunities available while growing in connection to her Dasher sisters.
    Serving these purposes, Dasher time remains an important part of our school culture. This year, Dasher time will be disconnected from lunch. DSHA will use new software to allow students to choose options most days to use her Dasher time for academic, leadership, and social purposes. On Mondays, students will meet in assigned Dasher Dens to build community with their peers and purposefully plan their week ahead.
    NEW! DSHA Dance Team Tryout Information | Is your daugher interested in being part of the DSHA Dance Team? Encourage her to attend open tryouts on Friday, August 4 - Saturday, August 5 in the DSHA Mind & Body Studio from 10-11:30 a.m.
    Please have your daughter wear black leggings, a white tank/tee, and jazz shoes. Required skills include: double pirouettes, a right calypso, high kicks, and toe touch.
    NEW! Parking Pass Information | Payment Due on Thursday, August 17
    Junior and senior parents — if you signed up for a parking pass for the 2023-24 school year, you should have received an email confirmation and MUST pay for your pass by Check-in Day on Thursday, August 17. Parking passes can be picked up on Check-in Day. If you have not paid for your parking pass by then, your pass will be sold to the next person on the waitlist.
    If you did not sign up for a parking pass but wish to have one, you can be added to our waitlist. The sign-up for our waitlist can be found in the myDSHA account under forms. If your student does not have a parking pass, they cannot park in the DSHA parking lot at anytime during the school day. 
    NEW! Welcome Back Dance | Saturday, September 9 from 7-10 p.m.
    The Welcome Back dance is open to students from DSHA and boys from area high schools with a current student ID. The dance will take place at DSHA. Tickets will not be sold in advance and must be purchased at the door for $5.
    NEW! Uniform Expectations | Please visit our DSHA website to review our uniform policy. Please pay special attention to our sweaters, sweatshirts, and skirt length guidelines. Students are expected to be in uniform during all classes and other events during the school day beginning on Monday, August 21. All approved uniform pieces are available for purchase on the Lands' End website.

    Click here to review the uniform policy. 

    Click here to purchase uniform items at Lands' End. 

    NEW! Visual Image Photography 2023-24 Information
    DSHA is proud to partner with Visual Image Photography to allow you to purchase and bring home the best photos of your daughter's DSHA experience. Click here for more information.
    NEW! 2023-2024 Volunteer School Nurses | DSHA would like to maintain a school nursing presence in the building. We are exploring the possibility of building a pool of volunteer registered nurses in our parent and grandparent community who would be interested in volunteering consistently at DSHA this year. Other applicable training will be considered. 
    In this role, the volunteer nurses will assess students who come to the office with various symptoms, help manage chronic student health issues, be part of the emergency medical response team, and assist DSHA in keeping proper records. Potentially interested parents or grandparents should email Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks.
    Questions? Contact Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks.
    NEW! First Parent Association Meeting of the Year | Tuesday, September 26 at 8:30 a.m.
    All parents are welcome to attend the first PA meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 26 in the Sisters of the Divine Savior Fireside Lounge. A light breakfast will be served, and meetings are recorded and posted on myDSHA Parent Resources Board.
    PA meetings start at 8:30 a.m.; feel free to join us for coffee starting at 8:15 a.m. or after student drop-off. We hope to see you there.

    Questions? Contact Parent Association President
    Julie Felser.
    Click here for a full list of PA meetings and other PA events. 

    Join one of our DSHA Parent Associations | Parents are key members of the DSHA community and important partners in much of the work done through the school on behalf of each student. In addition to individual volunteer activities, these organizations provide opportunities for parents to meet and work together. The parent chairs of the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and the Parent Fine Arts Association invite you to become involved by supporting these organizations with your time and voluntary dues. Dues are $25 per association.

    Click here to join the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and/or the Parent Fine Arts Association. 

    NEW! DSHA at Irish Fest | Sunday, August 20
    Join us for a wee bit 'o fun at Irish Fest next month! Before you come see us, attend the Milwaukee Irish Fest Liturgy for Peace and Justice at the American Family Insurance Amphitheater on the South end of the Maier Festival Park. Prelude music will begin at 9 a.m. with Mass starting at 9:30 a.m. Enter through the South Gate with non-perishable food items between 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. for free admission. All non-perishable food will be donated to the Hunger Task Force. 

    Click here for more information on Irish Fest 2023. 

    NEW! Parent Athletic Association Golf Outing & Dinner | Friday, September 8
    We're just over a month away from the first and favorite DSHA PAR-TEE of the year — the 2023 PAA Golf Outing & Dinner on Friday, September 8!
    Take a day off of work and bond with other DSHA parents, alumnae, and community members.
    Click here to purchase your tickets to the PAA Golf Outing and Dinner by Tuesday, August 28. 

    P.S. Don't forget to add your Mulligans + Merch Package at checkout. For $50, receive three mulligans and your choice of DSHA cooler or tumbler.
    If you want great publicity for your business, consider sponsoring the PAA Golf Outing & Dinner.
    Bid on, or donate, experiences and items to the live and silent action.
    We're also collecting bottles of wine (of any kind) to be used in a raffle item at the event. Wine can be turned in to DSHA’s front desk to the attention of PAA Golf Outing!
    NEW! DSHA School Auction | March 16, 2024
    Your 2024 DSHA Auction Chairs — Christine Finerty, (Catherine, DSHA ’24,) Katie Hartzheim, (Alaina, DSHA ’18, Natalie, DSHA ’21, & Meredith DSHA ’24,) and Jen Walker, (Lucy, DSHA ’24, & Ella, DSHA ’26) have your St. Patrick’s Day plans all figured out! Save the date for March 16, 2024, to celebrate all things DSHA, and all things Irish at the Emerald Isle Auction. 

    Click here if you're interested in volunteering for this special event. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney. 
    NEW! Volunteer Opportunities | Volunteers are an essential part of the many activities here at DSHA and a great way for parents, alumnae, and DSHA community members to connect with each other. From stuffing envelopes to chaperoning dances, helping with the Auction, or one of our Parent Associations — we could not do what we do without you!   

    Click here to learn more about our 2023-24 volunteer opportunities. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.

    NEW! DSHA Angelaires + Kids From Wisconsin Star Struck Tour | Tuesday, August 15 at 7 p.m.
    Save the date for the Kids from Wisconsin Star Struck Tour in the Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre! The award-winning DSHA Angelaires will open the show at 7 p.m. and the Kids from Wisconsin will start their performance at 7:15 p.m.
    The Kids From Wisconsin, starring Erin Fricker, DSHA '22, will perform music from award-winning artists, Broadway's Tony Awards, Hollywood's Oscars, and top Grammy Awards performer. You won't want to miss out on this event!
    Click here to purchase your tickets. 

    NEW! Kids from Wisconsin "STUFF THE BUS"
    For this tour, the Kids From Wisconsin partnered with Feeding American on a "Forward Together from Stage to Table" campaign. The Kids From Wisconsin tour will be providing a food collection with a STUFF THE BUS opportunity at each show to help spread resources on how volunteers and donors can help provide a healthier and hunger-free Wisconsin by supporting local hunger relief efforts and food pantries.

    DSHA was partnered with the food pantry from Greater New Birth Church by Kids From Wisconsin.
    Questions? Contact Director of Theatre, Choir, and Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler.
    NEW! Annual Fund Thank You | Thank you to all of our supporters for your generosity to the DSHA Annual Fund throughout the 2022-23 fiscal year. Participation in the DSHA Annual Fund surpassed its highest mark in the last five years, and we are grateful for all those who made a gift. 
    Looking ahead, we will again need support from our amazing community built of DSHA Alumnae, past and current parents, and friends. The goal for the DSHA Annual Fund in the 2023-24 fiscal year is $1,132,245. This helps cover the gap between tuition and the cost of a DSHA education which is $5,700 per student.
    Due to your generosity, DSHA continues to provide an outstanding Catholic, college-prep education that develops young women of faith, heart, and intellect. Please consider making a gift to the DSHA Annual Fund today.

    Click here to donate to the DSHA Annual Fund. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Development Matt Johnson.
    NEW! DSHA Athletics Registration | Registration Due by Friday, August 4
    If you have a daughter who plans to participate or is considering participating in Dasher Athletics for the 2023-24 athletic season, please review the following information carefully:  
    The online athletic mandatory meeting video and registration process is for all new and returning athletes. 
    All freshman and any returning students who did not participate in athletics last year need to set up a family account first. Then you may complete the registration process. 
    All returning athletes who set-up an account last year can register with the same account.  
    We ask that everyone complete the registration process no later than August 4. Parents/Guardians and student athletes need to watch the mandatory meeting video and complete the registration process together.
    Click here for registration instructions and how to create a family account. 

    Click here to complete the registration process. 

    NEW! Athletic Physicals | All incoming freshmen and current students who participated in athletics in the 2022-23 season were mailed physical cards in April. If your daughter misplaced it or is new to athletics this year, she can download the physical form here.

    After she uploads the current WIAA physical card or alternate WIAA physical card during the registration process, she must submit the original card to Athletic Administrative Assistant
    Maureen Stowell located in the DSHA Box Office. Your daughter must give her the original card at least 5 days prior to the start of tryouts or the start of the season. Physicals must be dated April 1, 2022 or later to be valid for the 2023-24 season.
    NEW! 2023-224 Fall Tryout information | If your daughter is interested in playing a sport this fall, click here to access important dates and information.
    Fall sports include:
    • Cross Country
    • Field Hockey
    • Golf
    • Rugby
    • Swim & Dive
    • Tennis
    • Volleyball

    Please note, winter and spring athletic dates are coming soon. 

    NEW! ImPACT Testing | DSHA will be offering IMPACT concussion testing. Student athletes are encouraged to take the ImPACT Test every 2 years. For testing information, please click here.
    Please contact out Athletic Trainer Annie Olivares for information on how to schedule your daughter's baseline ImPACT test and any other questions regarding concussion testing.
    NEW! DSHA Obtains NFHS Level 3 Honor Roll Status | In the 2022-23 school year, DSHA earned the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Level 3 Honor Roll status.
    The NFHS School Honor Roll is a national recognition program designed to promote professional development for high school coaches by completing specific online education courses through the NFHS Learning Center.
    In earning Level 3 status, the top status level, more than 90 percent of the paid coaches at DSHA completed the core course entitled “Fundamentals of Coaching.” Additionally, they took three of the Learning Center’s most significant courses including “Concussion in Sports,” “Sudden Cardiac Arrest,” and “Protecting Students from Abuse.” Following, they then completed courses that pertained specifically to the sports they coach along with “First Aid, Health and Safety,” “Heat Illness Prevention,” and “Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.”  Finally, they completed courses in “Strength and Conditioning," “Teaching and Modeling Behavior," "Engaging Effectively with Parents," “Bullying, Hazing, & Inappropriate Behaviors," and “Sportsmanship." 

    DSHA is the first school in the state of Wisconsin, and one of only 18 schools in the country, to earn both Level 3 certifications! We are proud of our coaching staff who continue to grow professionally so they can be the best coaches for our student-athletes. 
    NEW! DSHA, Froedtert, and the Medical College of Wisconsin Healthy Roster App | DSHA is once again in an expanded partnership with Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin to ensure better health for our student-athletes. Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin are helping to provide enhanced communication regarding athletic injuries with parents and coaches via the FREE Healthy Roster app.
    All fall sport athletes will receive an invitation to join Healthy Roster. The invite will come from a Healthy Roster email address. You must click on the invite link/button to join. DSHA winter and spring athletes will receive an email during their seasons. Questions? Please click here for this introduction to parents.
    The registration, app, and access to Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Certified Athletic Trainer’s is completely free and courtesy of Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin. Please take the time to register today to ensure better communication and treatment of your student-athlete.

    Click here for more information and to visit their website. 
    NEW! Spring Sports Recap and Additional 2022-23 Sports Information | DSHA finished an exciting and successful springs sports season! Please click here for a complete springs sports recap as well as additional 2022-23 sports news.
    For general DSHA Athletics questions, Contact Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell.
    Do you know a future Dasher? The DSHA Class of 2028 application opens Tuesday, August 1. For more information, please click here.
    Questions? Contact Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore, DSHA '16 or Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10.
  • 2023-24 New DSHA Parent Information

    Monday July 24, 2023 

    Dear Parents/Guardians of freshmen and new students,
    On behalf of the entire Divine Savior Holy Angels High School community, we want to welcome you to our school family. We are excited to have your daughter here this fall, and to work with her over the next four years. As you are likely aware, the educational experience at DSHA is designed to promote the development of your daughter as a confident and capable woman who is a woman of faith, a critical thinker, a communicator, a leader, and a self-advocate. This growth is fostered collaboratively between home and school which is why we are equally as enthused to welcome you to our community.
    You may be wondering about the orientation program at DSHA that helps students and parents become fully engaged in the DSHA experience. The purpose of this letter is to bring to your attention the full orientation program in which you have already begun participating. Below is information about a few upcoming events. You will also find a full listing and a brief description of the orientation activities.
    We invite and welcome your participation in one or all four of the parent events below:
    • New Parent Education/Orientation | August 17 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

      This session will provide you with nuts-and-bolts information to help with the first weeks of school as well as orient you to the mission of the Sisters of the Divine Savior, our approach to faith formation; offer insight into the academic and student life transition; and acquaint you with how the DSHA Student Services program is supportive and responsive to the developmental needs of our students and our approach to building an inclusive school culture. There will be time at the end to socialize and meet new parents.

    • Back-to-School Night | Thursday, August 24 at 6:30 p.m.

      This night begins with a short assembly in the Robert & Marie Family Fine Arts Theatre at 6:30 p.m. before parents walk their daughter’s schedule to meet her teachers and other parents.

    • Auction Benefit Party | Each class has an auction benefit party where you can socialize with parents and support the DSHA auction. The dates have not been set for the coming year. Watch for an invitation.

    • Meet and Greet | In the coming weeks you will receive additional information about small group meetings with the two of us. The purpose of these meetings is to allow you to meet us and other new parents and to share impressions and questions about your daughter’s early experiences at DSHA. For your planning, the dates are listed below, and a formal invitation will be sent when school starts.

    Tuesday, September 12 at 8 a.m.
    Thursday, September 28 at 8 a.m.
    Monday, September 18 at 2 pm.
    Tuesday, October 3 at 8 a.m.
    Thursday, September 21 at 8 a.m.
    Thursday, October 5 at 2 p.m.

    Questions? Contact Principal
    Dan Quesnell.
    A few other reminders:  
    • Freshmen Orientation | Thursday, August 17 and Friday, August 18

      These are the two orientation days where girls will learn more about the people and resources here to support them. The purpose is to welcome incoming freshmen and help them understand the logistics of their class schedule, find their locker, meet their teachers, administrators, and school counselors, and participate in technology onboarding to help them feel prepared to begin their high school journey at DSHA. Girls will also have yearbook photos and high school ID picture taken. Please click here for more information.

    • Sophomore & Junior Transfer Orientation | Thursday, August 17

      Sophomore and junior transfer students should arrive at noon and report to the foyer where they will meet Student Ambassadors who will assist with pictures, ID, schedules, locker, get to know you and DSHA session, and tour based on schedules. Students will learn DSHA technology and meet with a school counselor. The day will end at 2:45 p.m. Please click here for more information.

    • Textbooks | To review courses for which your daughter is registered, click here to read the instructions. Please click here to visit the bookstore.

    • Uniform Resale: Facebook Marketplace | Click here to join the Dasher Resale Facebook page. Used uniforms will be sold only through Facebook. Textbooks may be sold online. If you have any questions about the resale, contact Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks.

    • Laptops | DSHA is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) school. Feel free to have your daughter use any laptop for her school needs, with one caveat: we do not recommend Chromebooks. They tend to be too limited for a student’s use which ranges from accessing online textbooks, doing research, submitting assignments through our learning management system, writing papers, and creating projects. Windows or Mac laptops have consistently been the best fit for student laptop needs at DSHA.

    • School Supplies | Most students find binders, folders, and notebooks essential for notetaking and organization of syllabi, handouts, and other materials. Be sure to also have your daughter bring the normal school supplies of pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. 
    • Graphic Calculator | The DSHA Mathematics Department requires that each student have a TI-84 Plus Silver-Edition graphing calculator. 

    • Milwaukee Southside Transportation | DSHA provides transportation from the Milwaukee Southside through the Johnson Bus Service. The transportation includes two morning stops at Notre Dame Schools and the United Community Center and arrives to DSHA around 7 a.m. each morning. Please click here for more information and details.

    • Student myDSHA and Email Login Information | Incoming freshman login information will be distributed and trained as part of Freshman Orientation on August 17 and 18. If you have any questions, please contact Director of Technology John White.

    • Athletics | If your daughter is planning to play a fall sport, visit the Athletics Webpage for tryout information, WIAA physical cards, and other information.

    Questions? Contact Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks.
    • eNews | DSHA typically sends an eblast every-other-week. This eblast contains all information for the upcoming two weeks and beyond. It can be long but keep it and use it as a ready reference.
    • Back-to-School eBlast | We are planning to send our first welcome back eblast on July 31. This will begin our regular communication schedule.
    • Social Media | Follow us on our DSHA Facebook and Instagram pages for daily and weekly good news.

    Once again, we welcome you to the DSHA community. We look forward to meeting you at one or more of the coming events.
    Goodness and Kindness Prayer
    Loving Savior,
    Help me to live your goodness and kindness each day.
    Remind me that my actions express who I am even more than my words.
    May I love as you love. Let me be good to those who wish me harm, forgive those who need forgiveness, and reach out in kindness to all I meet so they can experience the unconditional love of God.
    May this community grow together in unity as we seek to be more like you, our Savior.
    Holy Mary, Mother of the Savior, Pray for Us.
    Jesus, help me to be the goodness and kindness.
    God Bless,
    Katie Konieczny, DSHA '92                                                                              
    Dan Quesnell 
    DSHA Orientation Events for Students and Families
    • Open House | This important event for prospective students provides families with an opportunity to meet faculty and staff, tour the building, and learn about the DSHA experience.

    • 7th/8th Grade Visit Days | This is an opportunity for prospective students to come and spend a day as a DSHA student.

    • Academic Orientation & Registration | This event takes place in January for students selected for admission. The program focuses on the variety of academic opportunities available to students and answers questions regarding the academic registration process. This is also when students complete their academic registration and meet current students, faculty, and administrators.

    • Dasher Mentors | Dasher Mentors is designed to help freshmen through their first year at DSHA. All freshmen are assigned to a small group of peers with 2-3 upperclasswomen Dasher Mentors (formerly Big Sisters.) Dasher Mentors will contact students in the summer and plan a group activity prior to Freshman Fun Day. Throughout freshman year, Dasher Mentors will meet with their group monthly and be in regular contact with their freshmen students.

    • Ice Cream Social | This event takes place in June of each year and gives incoming students and parents the chance to meet. It also is an opportunity for a Q & A session with school representatives.

    • Camp Dasher | Coordinated by Director of Student Services Maria Schram, this week-long camp gives students the chance to explore the school, make new friends, meet faculty and staff, learn about classes, and discover ways to make the best of her DSHA experience.

    • Freshman Orientation| August 17-18 | These two orientation days will allow girls to learn more about the people and resources available to support them at DSHA. The purpose is to welcome incoming freshmen and help them understand the logistics of their class schedule, find their locker, meet their teachers, administrators, and school counselors, and participate in technology onboarding to help them feel prepared to begin their high school journey.

    • Back-to-School Night | August 24 | This is an evening program that provides parents with the opportunity to visit their daughter’s classrooms to meet her teachers. Become a student again and join us!

    • Parent Association Meeting | September 26 at 8:30 a.m. | The Parent Association is an excellent way for parents and guardians of DSHA students to get involved in their daughter’s high school experience. The PA meets monthly to discuss upcoming and past events, hear school updates, and hear from faculty members and administrators including President Katie Konieczny,DSHA '92, and Principal Dan Quesnell.

    • Meet and Greet | In the fall, President Katie Konieczny, DSHA '92, and Principal Dan Quesnell meet with parents in small groups to discuss the DSHA experience over coffee. This is also a great opportunity to meet new DSHA parents.

    • Freshmen Retreat & Service Day | October 15 and 16 | The initial retreat experience at DSHA continues to be an overwhelmingly powerful and faith-enriching experience for the freshmen and the student leaders. The power of this retreat experience lies in its unique set-up and emphasis on small groups.

    • Freshmen Wellness Seminar | The Freshmen Wellness Seminar will serve as a significant orientation program for the young women at DSHA while allowing them to form their own communities. Freshmen Wellness Seminar meets daily during the fall semester and is moderated by a DSHA faculty member. This will assist in the ongoing orientation of each young woman and provide her with supervised study time.

    Questions? Contact Principal Dan Quesnell.
  • 2023-24 Athletics Info

    July 5, 2023  

    Dear DSHA Parents and Guardians,
    Welcome to the 2023-2024 athletic season! 
    If you have a daughter who plans to participate or is considering participating in Dasher Athletics for the 2023-24 athletic season, please review the following information carefully:  
    Registration for 2023-24 Athletic Season | Open Today - Friday, August 4
    Any student interested in participating in athletics must complete the online registration:
    • All freshmen and any returning student who did NOT participate in athletics last year must set up a family account first. Once that is finished, they may complete the registration process.
    • All returning athletes who set up an account last year can register using the same account.  
    • Your daughter must complete the registration process no later than Friday, August 4.
    • Parents, guardians, and student athletes need to watch the mandatory video included in the first step of the online registration process.

    Click here for registration instructions and how to create a family account. 

    Click here to complete the registration process. 

    Athletic Physicals | All incoming freshmen and current students who participated in athletics in the 2022-23 season were mailed physical cards in April. If your daughter misplaced it or is new to athletics this year, she can download the physical form here.
    After she uploads the current WIAA physical card or alternate WIAA physical card during the registration process, she must submit the original card to Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell located in the DSHA Box Office. Your daughter must give her the original card at least 5 days prior to the start of tryouts or the start of the season. Physicals must be dated April 1, 2022 or later to be valid for the 2023-24 season.
    ImPACT Testing | All student athletes should take the baseline concussion test unless they completed it last year. For more information, click here.
    Questions? Contact Athletic Trainer Annie Olivares for information on how to schedule your daughter's baseline ImPACT test.
    Fall Athletic Season | If your daughter is interested in playing a sport this fall, click here to access important dates and information.
    Fall sports include:
    • Cross Country
    • Field Hockey
    • Golf
    • Rugby
    • Swim & Dive
    • Tennis
    • Volleyball

    Please note, winter and spring athletic dates are coming soon.  
    PAA Golf Outing & Dinner | Friday, September 8
    Please save the date and sign up to participate in DSHA's annual golf event on Friday, September 8 at the University Club of Milwaukee located at 7401 N. 43rd Street, Milwaukee 53209. All proceeds from this event support the robust athletics program at DSHA.
    Parent Athletic Association | We ask that all families of athletes consider joining the Parent Athletic Association (PAA). This is our athletic booster club which supports all sports at DSHA.

    Click here for more information about the Parent Athletic Association. 
    We are excited for the 2023-24 athletic season! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time to Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell or Athletic Director Pegger-Seegers Braun.
    Peggy Seegers-Braun, MS, CIC, CMAA
    Athletic Director

2022-23 eNews

List of 25 items.

  • 2023-24 School Year Updates | May 1, 2023

    May 1, 2023 
    Dear DSHA Parents and Guardians,
    How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1
    As you know we have started AP exams and are approaching finals, graduation, and all of the excitement that the end of the school year can bring. In the midst of this busy time for students and families, we wanted to take a minute to share some exciting updates for the 2023-24 school year. This current school year, our faculty collaborative teams have been hard at work planning for next school year. 95% of our outstanding faculty will be returning to support our Dashers for the 2023-24 school year, and the continuity of mission and providing an excellent Catholic, college-preparatory education will remain our constant priority.
    DASHER TIME RESTRUCTURE | 2023-24 Updates
    Dasher Time in the current iteration was implemented in the 2011-2012 school year. At the time we ran a 7-period schedule, and the purpose of Dasher Time was to make all DSHA resources available to students and meet the wellness needs of our students. 
    Over the last twelve years we have changed to an 8-period/Extended Instruction schedule, implemented an Applied Wellness program, and created the ALPHA resource, which is available each period. Over time, the purpose and use of Dasher Time has lost its original focus of productive and optimized time for our students. 
    At DSHA we are always looking to improve the quality of life for each Dasher. We want her to feel a sense of belonging and value at DSHA and to make good use of the faith, academic, co-curricular, and leadership opportunities available while growing in her connection to her Dasher sisters. Serving those purposes, Dasher Time remains an important part of our school culture. 
    This past Thursday and Friday we met with rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to clarify the purpose of Dasher Time and announce structural changes that will begin next academic year. Dasher time will be disconnected from lunch and DSHA will use new software to allow students to choose options most days to use her Dasher Time for academic, leadership, and social purposes. These modifications were vetted by a faculty committee and the student Policies and Practices Commission of the DSHA Student Council.
    The key highlights include: 
    Clarification of the 3 purposes of Dasher Time:    
    • Student academic resource time  
    • Campus Ministry & Student Council leadership meeting time and other related ministries 
    • Creating opportunities for student engagement and connection, fostering belonging for every student 
    Student academic time can look like: 
    • Students working with a teacher.
    • Teachers leading academic work with students.
    • Students working in small groups, focused on academics.
    • Students working quietly on their own, completing homework or studying.

    Dasher Dens on Monday Dasher Time:
    • Intended to foster small communities of cross-grade level connection; will be based in a teacher’s classroom.
    • Designed to increase student connection to DSHA and DSHA activities. 
    • Provide additional leadership opportunities: 70 new leadership opportunities created among student body (Den Directors and Den Chaplains).
    • Teachers and student leaders guiding girls to make the most effective use of their Dasher Times each week.  

    Faith Fridays + Co-Curriculars:
    • Faith Fridays will be held during Dasher Time (disassociated from lunch).
    • Because of this, the Co-curricular time on Fridays will be completely dedicated to co-curricular activities.

    Supported by Software Tool: EdFiciency   
    • Intervention scheduling software that makes flex time more efficient, incorporates accountability, gives student choice, increases opportunities, and provides data.  
    • Students will fill out this software each week during the Monday Dasher Den time. 

    Click here to view the Dasher Time Restructure: Improving the Quality of Life for Each Dasher for a full description. 

    STUDENT LEADERSHIP | 2023-24 Updates
    Over the past several weeks, Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson, Director of Student Services Maria Schram, and Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze have worked hard to encourage students to pursue leadership positions for next year in Campus Ministry, Student Council, Dasher Mentors, and the Student Diversity Council.
    • Student leadership is important because it provides mentorship and guidance to younger students and improves the overall sense of community at DSHA. How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity! 
    • Last week we announced that there would be over 70 new leadership positions to support the new Dasher Dens. This includes a Den Chaplain and two Den Directors for each Den. 
    • Decisions regarding many of these positions were communicated last week.
    • Students in these positions will participate in leadership training at the end of May in preparation for the 2023-2024 school year.

    For questions, contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson, Director of Student Services Maria Schram, or Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze.

    DUAL CREDIT COURSES | 2023-24 Updates
    For our dual credit courses impacted by Cardinal Stritch University’s closing, please know that we are actively working on developing a new university partnership for the affected courses. DSHA remains committed to offering dual credit courses and will update students and parents as soon as we have information to share. We continue to have dual credit partnerships with the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater for Intermediate Fr 252: French and Eng 262: Contemporary Literature, and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities for Lat 3004: Intermediate Latin Poetry: Vergil.
    NEW COURSES | 2023-24 Updates
    • WORLD LITERATURE – 2360 | World Literature offers a thematic study of texts from around the globe. This course provides students with the opportunity to examine theme, perspective, and purpose within a diverse set of traditional and contemporary writings that may include short stories, poetry, drama, and novels. Each unit will take students on a journey to another corner of the world, allowing them to engage with literature from a variety of cultures. With a focus on both reading and composition, World Literature will require students to write consistently throughout the course. In addition to writing, students will build upon their thinking and speaking skills through large group discussions, small group interactions, and independent work. GRADES: 11-12 | CREDIT: ½ | LENGTH: 1 semester 
    • ADVANCED PLACEMENT PRECALCULUS – 5131 and 5132 | AP Pre-Calculus covers pre-calculus topics including polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric and polar functions, and functions involving parameters, vectors, and matrices. The material covered in this course will be challenging and may require an increased amount of time to do homework. Students are not required to take the AP exam in May. Students will have to contact colleges about receiving college credit. LENGTH: 2 semesters CREDIT: 1 | LENGTH: 2 semesters | REQUIRED: TI-84 PlusCE (or any T-84 graphing calculator) | PREREQUISITE: Any Geometry and Algebra II class
    • BL 105: General Biology I – 7141 & 7142 BL 105: General Biology I | This is a dual-credit course; as an introductory science course, this class would be appropriate for someone who is considering being a biology major but would also be a great choice for a student who knows she does not want to major in biology/science but would like the opportunity to earn college science credits at DSHA. This is a lab science course and will provide students with an opportunity to go more in-depth on the following biology concepts: cell division and reproduction, principles of genetic inheritance, gene theory and genetic engineering, the theory of evolution, natural selection and methods of speciation, and more. GRADES: 11-12 | CREDIT: 1 | LENGTH: 2 semesters | PREREQUISITE: Accelerated Biology and Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
    • JOURNALISM – 4175 | This course introduces students to the principles of journalism through the publication of our student newspaper: The Word (student edition). Participants will learn how to write for a variety of purposes and for our DSHA community as they engage in the exciting world of online media. In addition to learning about the laws and ethics of journalistic writing, students will engage in reporting, writing, editing, photography, advertising, management, and teamwork. This course encompasses both traditional, individualized learning and project-based learning. Not only can participants hone their writing skills, but they can also empower their voices as distinctive members of our community with a designated platform for expression. Skills developed in this course support careers in journalism, marketing, project management, and business. GRADES: 10-12 | CREDIT: ½ | LENGTH: 1 semester
    • Advanced Spanish Literature – 3241 & 3242 | This is a rigorous college preparatory language course intended to develop language proficiency in reading, writing, and spoken expression. Students will expand language comprehension skills through reading and discussing authentic literary works from revered classic and contemporary Spanish and Latin American authors. These literary works will allow students to gain cultural competence, awareness of historical and societal issues as well as deepen appreciation of world cultural diversity. This course uses literature as a base to apply grammar and structure through observation, analysis, and practice. Students make connections with relevant issues or topics in literature, examine and expand their ideas in writing and oral discourse using the target language. This course is taught entirely in Spanish. GRADES: 11-12 | CREDIT: 1 | LENGTH: 2 semesters | PREREQUISITE: Spanish IV, AP Spanish Language & Culture, or consent from the teacher

    For questions, contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.

    While we update you for next year, we look forward to closing out the year with excellence. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for entrusting your daughter’s education with DSHA.
    God Bless,
    Principal Dan Quesnell 
  • DSHA Parent eNews | April 24, 2023

    Parent eNews | Monday, April 24

    Dear DSHA Parents and Guardians,
    How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1
    Since the beginning of the year, DSHA has been focused on collaboration as one of the delegated responsibilities of the Sisters of the Divine Savior. During this time of year, there are two important things that happen as a result of the collaboration of parents, grandparents, school, and church that help Dashers grow into capable young women of faith, heart, and intellect who accept the gospel call to live lives that make a difference.  
    First, most confirmation celebrations take place during this spring semester. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. We are grateful to be part of the faith journey of our students and congratulate all juniors who will or have been confirmed this semester.
    On Friday this week, we will celebrate College Decision Day for our seniors. The college research, application, and selection process is a journey with which the DSHA College Counseling team is happy to assist. It is a journey you’ve prepared your daughter for since her birth, and one that she has worked hard for herself. Very shortly we will know where our students will matriculate, how much scholarship money they will have earned, and exciting courses of study they will pursue. To be reminded of the amazing accomplishments and matriculation information for the class of 2022, see the spring 2022 edition of The Word Magazine.
    God Bless, 
    Dan Quesnell
    Look for the NEW! label to view information new to this edition of the Parent eNews.

    NEW! Special Schedule | Wednesday, April 26
    DSHA will have a special schedule for the upcoming Grandparent Liturgy on Wednesday, April 26. If your daughter is not attending the Mass, she does not need to be at school until first hour. 
    • Grandparent Liturgy & Breakfast with Granddaughter(s) | 8 - 9:45 a.m.
    • 1st Hour | 9:45 - 10:18 a.m.
    • 2nd Hour | 10:22 - 10:55 a.m.
    • 3rd Hour | 10:59 - 11:32 a.m.
    • 4th Early Class | 11:36 a.m. - 12:09 p.m. & Lunch/Dasher | 12:13 - 12:37 p.m.
    • 4th Late Class | 12:04 - 12:37 p.m. & Lunch/Dasher | 11:36 a.m. -12 p.m.
    • 5th Hour | 12:41 - 1:14 p.m.
    • 6th Hour | 1:18 - 1:51 p.m.
    • 7th Hour | 1:55 - 2:28 p.m.
    • 8th Hour | 2:32 - 3:05 p.m.

    If your daughter is not coming to school with her grandparent(s), she must park on the street. 
    Parking restrictions are lifted on:
    • 100th Street from W. Congress Street to W. Grantosa Drive
    • Marion Street from N. 100th Street to W. Grantosa Drive  

    Please consider dropping off your daughter or carpooling. If she arrives after 8:30 a.m., she may park in any available student parking spot.
    Questions about Grandparent Liturgy? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    Final Exams | Tuesday, May 23 - Friday, May 26
    The schedule for final examinations can be found in the calendar section of the DSHA website (see the month of May). Be sure to double-check the days and times and have your daughter plan accordingly.
    Please see the Student Services section of this email for more information on final exam support for your daughter.
    AP Exams will run from May 1 - 12; this schedule can also be found on the DSHA Calendar (see the month of May).
    NEW! DSHA Dual Credit Courses | For our dual credit courses impacted by Cardinal Stritch’s closing, please know that we are actively working on developing a new university partnership for the affected courses. DSHA will update students and parents as soon as we have information to share.
    AP, ACT, and SAT Test Program | We have a very user-friendly FREE AP/ACT/SAT online prep program that is totally individualized. Once a student establishes a login, she can access the test prep site from anywhere, anytime. The site provides individualized feedback on every question and a student could fit this prep into her day, 10-15 minutes at a time. 
    For help accessing this program, have your daughter contact Librarian Christina Thiele.
    Questions? Contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.
    NEW! Campus Ministry Leadership Roles for 2023-24 | A new group of Campus Ministry leaders will be announced at the end of this week. Last week, over 200 students applied and went through interviews to fill various positions such as freshman and sophomore retreat small group leaders, Campus Ministry officers, Mass coordinators, Collections coordinators, Chapel Prayer coordinators, and more. 
    With such a high volume of enthusiastic candidates, Campus Ministry knows there will be some students who did not get the role they had hoped for. Our office was so impressed by every one and the decisions were hard to make. Please know that while your daughter may not receive a leadership position, she is a part of Campus Ministry and there will be lots of opportunities for her to be part of those ministries.
    All 2023-24 Campus Ministry Leaders will have a leadership retreat on May 30 or May 31. Please remind your daughter to mark off 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. one of those days. There will be more information to come.
    NEW! Upcoming Dates and Activities in Campus Ministry
    • Wednesday, April 26 | Grandparent Liturgy | 8 - 9:45 a.m.
    • Friday, April 28 | 2023-24 Campus Ministry Leadership Roles Announced & Faith Friday Mass
    • Monday, May 1 | Service Hours Due
    • Wednesday, May 3 | All Day Eucharistic Adoration in the Mother of Our Savior Chapel
    • Thursday, May 4 | Collections Day and PB & J Ministry
    • Friday, May 5 | Faith Friday Mass

    NEW! Service Hours | Submissions Due Monday, May 1
    DSHA believes that service to others is central to our Salvatorian Catholic identity. We not only require our students to serve others; we also give them credit for completing their service hours each year. Service is included on every students’ transcripts as a reflection of who we are and what we require of our students for graduation. Failure to complete service requirements shows up on permanent transcript records. Please check in with your daughters and ask them to complete the following:
    • Log their completed service hours on x2VOL.
    • Make sure their hours have been verified by the service sites.
    • Sign up for service hours. 
    • Set up a meeting with Director of Salvatorian Service Dr. Katie Pickart, DSHA '84to make a plan if she is struggling.

    Contact Director of Salvatorian Service Dr. Katie Pickart, DSHA '84, for additional information. 
    NEW! Hygiene Kits for Kinship Community | As with food insecurity, hygiene insecurity is more prevalent than we realize. When we provide hygiene products to our community, everyone can feel dignified, clean, and healthy.
    The DSHA Service Team co-curricular has organized a drive for hygiene kits for the Kinship Community Food Center from Monday, May 1 - Wednesday, May 17, with bins for each class in the quad. Please contribute full-sized items, which allow community members to bring them home to their families. Donations will be according to classes. 
    • Freshmen families can contribute the following: Baby shampoo, baby lotion, diaper rash ointment
    • Sophomore families can contribute the following: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss
    • Junior families can contribute the following: Body wash, shampoo, conditioner
    • Senior families can contribute the following: Body lotion, tampons, pads
    • TSC members can contribute the following: Shaving cream, deodorant, combs, brushes

    The most generous class will receive a fun dessert on Friday, May 19 during lunch!
    NEW! Pack the Pantries | DSHA's last two collection days of the year, Thursday, May 4, and Thursday, May 18, will benefit the nearby St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry and the Freidens Food Pantries in Milwaukee. Specific needs of the pantries include:
    • Peanut butter and jelly
    • Breakfast grains (cereal, oatmeal, etc.)
    • Canned fruits and vegetables (potatoes, corn, green beans, mixed fruit, peaches, etc.)
    • Canned meats (chicken, tuna, salmon, spam, etc.) 
    • Canned soup/pasta (chicken noodle, cream vegetable soups, spaghetti-o's, ravioli, etc.)
    • Rice
    • Jell-O 

    Dashers who bring in a bag of 10 items for the pantries will be added to a raffle for the chance to win a $25 Starbucks gift card. The most generous class during Pack the Pantries will also receive popsicles on Thursday, May 18 during lunch! 
    NEW! Baccalaureate Mass & Senior Honors Night | Thursday, May 25 from 6 - 8 p.m.
    Baccalaureate & Senior Honors Night will take place on Thursday, May 25 from 6 - 8 p.m. Information was sent home in a senior packet before spring break.
    Just a reminder that all seniors are asked to be there as the first part of graduation and the last entire class event in the DSHA building. Dashers should plan to dress up in Mass-appropriate clothing and plan to stay through the honors awards. There is plenty of seating so bring family and friends to celebrate your senior. Mass will be a beautiful celebration of the faith that has been the foundation of their four years at DSHA and our blessing to them as they become women of faith in the world. 
    NEW! Lenten Season Recap & Thank You | Lent was such a blessed time at DSHA this year. We had strong participation from students in all of the programming, from the phone fast and Stations of the Cross, to the Soup with Substance speaker series, and more. Lenten Reconciliation Day was particularly powerful with the priests not having a single break in the day with so many Dashers choosing to receive the sacrament. 
    Near the end of Lent, we had our Campus Ministry Carnival to raise funds for Best Buddies, a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    We are so grateful to the parents who donated spa items, gift cards, and other fun prizes for the event. Your generosity made this an appealing event to students and made the almsgiving a joyful celebration. 
    We couldn’t do anything in Campus Ministry without the amazing DSHA parents that form our students. You are their role models, and we get to see and support the best in them every day because of the amazing women you have parented them to be. In this Easter season, all of the campus ministers would like to say a special thanks to all of you. 
    Ballpark Day of Faith | Sunday, June 18
    Are you looking for a bonding opportunity for your daughter and her father on Father's Day? The 12th Annual Ballpark Day of Faith is more that just a tailgate. Join the Brewers versus Pirates game for a chance to share a day of beauty and joy with family where the sacred meets the secular. 
    Click here to learn more. 

    Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safe Environment Week | “Safer Schools. Safer Parishes. Safer Families.”

    The Archdiocese of Milwaukee recognizes April 24 – April 30 as Safe Environment Awareness Week. Each year in the month of April, which is recognized around the country as child abuse prevention month, every parish, school, and the entire faith community focuses on the importance of keeping our children and youth safe. The archdiocese is committed to maintaining safe environments in our parishes and schools through the following: 

    • Adult child abuse prevention training
    • Criminal background checks for all clergy
    • Training for volunteers working with minors and employees
    • Safety training for children in each grade level
    • Adhering to to all mandatory reporting requirement laws
    In addition, during this week, DSHA will pray for victims of child abuse. Students in Applied Wellness will have a chance to complete a pinwheel for prevention art project.

    Click here to read Archbishop Listecki's Safe Environment Week Proclamation. 

    Click here to read the Safe Environment "Did You Know?" information. 
    NEW! Nominations for the Sisters of the Divine Savior’s Woman of Faith Award | Submissions Due Friday, May 26
    Parents, if you know a woman in the Greater Milwaukee Area who positively impacts the lives of others through her service, we want to know her too. Nominations for the 23rd Women of Faith Award will remain open until Friday, May 26.

    Click here to submit a nomination. 
    NEW! Final Exam Support | Finals are just around the corner! Is your daughter ready? Prepared? Anxious?

    Counselors are available to help students prepare for exams, make a study schedule, and assist with easing the nerves that finals potentially bring. Student Services and counselors can aid with time management, study skills, organization, and different ways to prepare for end of the year exams. Counselors will use the Applied Wellness experiences to work in small groups and prepare study schedules. They will also be available to work one-on-one with individual students. Please encourage your daughter to see their counselor for any final exam prep
    Last names starting with A-G & X-Z | School Counselor Therese Hayden, DSHA '07
    Last names starting with H-O | School Counselor Janet Como
    Last names starting with P-W | School Counselor Mallorie Svetlik
    Questions? Contact Director of Student Services Maria Schram
    College Decision Day | Friday, April 28
    Senior parents, your daughters are about eight weeks away from graduating and will soon join a community of over 15,000 women – the DSHA alumnae family.
    College Decision Day is a long-standing tradition where graduating seniors don their college gear to represent where they will be attending next fall. This event will run from 11:59 a.m.  - 12:29 p.m. The celebration begins in the DSHA Commons where both the Student Services and Advancement departments will collect vital information from the senior class. Afterwards, seniors will be invited outside to celebrate with sweet treats, music, photo opportunities, and more!
    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea or Alumnae Director Danielle Rabe, DSHA '08.
    NEW! College Scholarship Information Request | Due Monday, May 1 
    Senior parents — if your daughter has not done so already, please ask her to take a few minutes to complete the form regarding all scholarships and awards received. Please have her list college academic scholarships, local business scholarships, scholarships from organizations, and any non-DSHA scholarships. 
    This information may be used in several ways:
    • To celebrate all of the accomplishments of the class of 2023
    • To track and learn trends and opportunities to help guide future Dashers
    • To use in the Honors Day booklet, the awards ceremony booklet, or in other DSHA publications. We will not list the individual award amounts; we will use the class data in certain reports.  

    Students and parents/guardians must sign the form, and students must return it to Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02, in Student Services.
    If this form is not returned by Monday, May 1, your awards/scholarships will not be included in the Honors Day booklet.
    Click here to access the form. 
    NEW! PROMPT College Essay Support for Juniors | Wednesday, April 26 & Thursday, April 27
    Juniors — are college essays on your mind? Prompt will be hosting two more of their “Secrets to Great College Applications and Essays" webinars. Your daughter has the opportunity to talk with a Prompt Writing Coach about developing excellent college essays. They’ll share practical advice on how to develop compelling essay content, avoid common mistakes, and answer questions during a live Q&A session.
    Prompt is the world’s leading provider of college admissions essay coaching. Each year, they support thousands of students throughout the application and essay process. 3 in 4 applicants who work with Prompt gain admission to one or more of their reach colleges! 
    Registration is free, and is required for all Prompt events; you can sign up for the remaining April webinars here:

    NEW! DSHA College Application Workshop Additional Information | Mornings of June 6 - 8
    This summer DSHA will once again hold the College “AppReady” Summer Workshop. Join Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea and college admissions representatives for a three-day College Application Workshop. The be "AppReady" workshop will prepare rising seniors by creating their accounts and beginning the completion of the common application. The workshop will help them tackle the first college essay draft and get them prepared for application season. There will be over twenty college admission counselors ready to give feedback on student essays.
    There are only 50 spots available on a first come/first serve basis. All participants will be charged through MyTuition. The details are as follows:
    • Who: The DSHA Class of 2024
    • When: Tuesday, June 6 - Thursday, June 8 
    • Time: 9 - 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 6 and Wednesday, June 7
    • Time: 9 - 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 8
    • Where: DSHA
    • Cost: $175 per student | Students will be billed through MyTuition

    Please note that attendance is required for all three days of the program. A minimum registration of attendees will be required for this session to be held.

    Click here to register. 
    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea.
    NEW! Applied Wellness Experience | Applied Wellness experiences will continue to be offered through the end of the school year. 
    • Students are encouraged to make wellness choices at the start of the week and commit to something they feel would be a suitable break for the week. 
    • Research shows that periodic breaks throughout the day don’t just provide valuable downtime, but they also boost productivity while giving students opportunities to develop their creativity and social skills.

    Encourage your daughter to take ownership of her wellness choices and avoid simply checking a requirement box.
    Questions? Contact Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93.
    NEW! Upcoming Dasher Dialogues | Friday, May 5 & Friday, May 12
    The Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will be hosting a Hispanic Heritage Dasher Dialogue on Friday, May 5, in the Commons from 11:28 a.m. - 12:29 p.m. On Friday, May 12, in collaboration with the Asian Student Union co-curricular, the Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will host an Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Dasher Dialogue. This will be the last Dasher Dialogue of the school year and held in the DSHA Commons from 11:28 a.m. - 12:29 p.m.
    The discussion topics for next school year's Dasher Dialogues will be decided at the upcoming Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council retreat in August.
    Optional Dasher Dialogues have been a part of the fabric of DSHA for the last seven years. Consistent with the DSHA mission to form young women who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference, Dasher Dialogues create a loving and caring space for conversations that can be uncomfortable. These conversations focus on the dignity of every Dasher while helping students understand their responsibility to act as disciples of Jesus Christ.
    NEW! DEI Student Council Leadership Roles | Applications for the Student Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council closed last week. Interviews for these positions will be held in early May.
    Questions? Contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze.
    NEW! Junior Prom Information | Junior Prom will take place this Saturday, April 29 at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee. Parking is available on site. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and students and guests must arrive by 7:15 p.m. The dance ends at 10 p.m.  
    NEW! Graduation Dinner Dance | Tuesday, May 30
    Save the date for the Graduation Dinner Dance on Tuesday, May 30. This event is hosted by DSHA families of the class of 2023 for our graduates. 
    Invitation and further details will be sent to students and families soon. Register for this event via myDSHA from Tuesday, April 25 - Monday, May 8. 
    Families, if you want to help plan this memorable DSHA tradition, we are in need of organizers, chaperones, and underwriters! Please email senior class parent Sarah Martin for questions or to join this fun committee.
    Graduation Dress Details | Senior parents, below are the guidelines for graduation dresses. All graduates must submit a photo of themselves wearing the dress to Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks no later than Thursday, May 2. The photo may be submitted in person or electronically.
    • Full or Tea Length White/Ivory Dress | The white or ivory graduation dress is to be floor length or tea length (mid-calf). A wrap or cover-up in white or ivory is allowed and encouraged with backless, strapless, or halter dresses. Any color graduation dress other than white or ivory is not acceptable. Alternatively, students may choose to wear a white or ivory pantsuit. Any color pantsuit other than white or ivory is not acceptable.
    • White Gloves | Full length white or ivory gloves are mandatory.
    • Hair, Jewelry, and Shoes | Hair and jewelry should be appropriate for the occasion and conservative in appearance. Shoes must be white or ivory in color.

    DSHA Class of 2023 Graduation Announcements | Click on the link below to purchase graduation announcements and photo cards.

    Click here to purchase items. 

    Parking for 2023-2024 School YearInformation for parking for the rising juniors and seniors will be coming soon. Please watch your email for more information on how to register.  All seniors who submit requests before the deadline will receive a pass. Junior parking passes will be issued through a lottery system.
    Questions about parking?  Please contact Executive Assistant 

    Attendance Reminders | If your daughter is going to miss school for any reason, please call our Attendance Office at 414-721-2920 as soon as possible. If your daughter is marked absent from class, and we have not heard from you, she will be marked unexcused and given a slip to verify her absence. If her absence does not get verified, she may receive a Saturday detention.
    Uniform and Snack Donations | We are in high need of uniform donations. We are especially in need of polos and sweaters in all adult sizes. 
    Secondly, the Student Services team is looking for snack donations that are given out to students in need. 
    Any snack or uniform donations can be dropped off at the DSHA Main Office.
    Boys & Girls Club Free Driver's Education Courses | Monday - Friday, 5 - 7 p.m. at The Ready Center
    The Boys & Girls Club is offering free driver's education courses to teenagers 15-17 years old at The Ready Center. Classes are limited to 20 participants and participants must be members of the Boys & Girls Club.

    Click here for registration information. 

    Questions? Contact Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks.

    NEW! 2022-23 Tuition Statements | To access your statement, log into your myDSHA account, go to the Resource tab, and click on the Blackbaud Tuition Management tab.
    Senior families – your tuition accounts must be paid by Monday, May 15.  
    Questions? Contact Accounts Receivable Coordinator Sandy Vrana at (414) 721-2916.
    NEW! Parent Association Meeting | Tuesday, April 25 at 8:30am in the Fireside Lounge  
    Please join us for the last Parent Association Meeting of the year!
    DSHA TSC Breakfast Volunteers | We need breakfast volunteers for the TSC (DSHA faculty and staff) breakfast on Wednesday, May 3. Please consider signing up.
    Questions? Contact Parent Association President Moe Tarantino.
    Parent Fine Arts Association Meeting | Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m. in the DSHA Board Room

    Please join us for the next PFAA meeting and to learn more about what is happening in the Fine Arts at DSHA. Questions? Contact PFAA President
    Tracey Fricker.
    NEW! Fine Arts Award Celebration | Wednesday, May 10 at 7 p.m. in the DSHA Commons
    This award celebration is hosted by the DSHA Parent Fine Arts Association. Please join us as we celebrate the 2022-23 student fine arts achievements, recognize participants, and announce the 2023 PFAA scholarship winners and reveal the DSHA Fine Arts Woman of the Year!
    No RSVP is necessary. Please contact PFAA President Tracey Fricker with any questions.
    NEW! Dasher Resale Information | Wednesday, June 14 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    If you are looking to buy or sell your daughter's used uniforms or textbooks, this is a great opportunity! Uniforms and textbook collections will happen during exam week.
    • Juniors and seniors | Drop off used uniforms and textbooks | Tuesday, May 23 from 11 a.m. - noon
    • Freshmen and sophomores | Drop off used uniforms and textbooks | Wednesday, May 24 from 11 a.m. - noon
    • All-students | Drop off used uniforms and textbooks | Thursday, May 25 from 11 a.m. - noon

    Textbook and uniform inventory sheets and instructions on how to participate will be available on myDSHA under the Parent Resources tab after Monday, May 1. Students will also receive additional information from Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks in May.

    Volunteer sign up will be available in May via sign up genius. Individuals volunteering for the actual Dasher Resale event or collections will receive priority shopping for the Resale. The volunteer sign up sheet will be available in the Parent eNews on Monday, May 8.

    If you are planning to shop the Dasher Resale on June 14, you must sign up for a time slot. The shopping sign up genius will be available at the end of May. Volunteers receive priority and then the sign up genius will open to the rest of the DSHA community.
    Please join us!
    Join one of our DSHA Parent Associations | Parents are key members of the DSHA community and important partners in much of the work done through the school on behalf of each student. In addition to individual volunteer activities, these organizations provide opportunities for parents to meet and work together. The parent chairs of the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and the Parent Fine Arts Association invite you to become involved by supporting these organizations with your time and voluntary dues. Dues are $25 per association.
    Click here to join the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, or the Parent Fine Arts Association. 

    NEW! Parent Athletic Association Golf Outing | Friday, September 8

    Save the date for the annual PAA Golf Outing! The team donation page is live; feel free to make an early donation on behalf of your daughter's sport.

    Click here to donate to the PAA Outing. 

    Click here to volunteer for the PAA Outing. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.

    Sign Up to Volunteer Today | Volunteers hold a special place in the fabric of our community, and we invite you to join a fantastic team that truly makes a difference in the lives of our young women while you get to know other Dasher parents.
    Click here for a full list of volunteer opportunities and to sign up today. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney 
    NEW! Save the Dates | Upcoming DSHA Fine Arts Events

    NEW! HandbellPalooza Spring-Bellaroo |  Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m. in the DSHA Commons 
    The concert will feature performances from the 1st hour Varsity Handbells and 2nd and 4th hour JV Handbells. The groups will be playing over 50 years of pop music including classic songs by The Beatles, Marvin Gaye, Led Zeppelin, Coldplay, and more. The Divine Strings drum, guitar, and keyboard players will perform with the groups.
    NEW! Spring Instrumental Concert | Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m. in the Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre
    This concert is a celebration of the Baroque composer George Frideric Handel with excerpts from the Messiah by the DSHA Divine Strings and Orchestra. The performance will include the complete original and unabridged music for the Royal Fireworks. DSHA Divine Strings will feature senior guitarist and rising college music major Flora Miroslaw, DSHA '23, soloing on Purple Haze and Sweet Child O' Mine.
    Parents, you won’t want to miss the orchestra’s take on two Van Halen classics. Please join us in the theatre or livestream the event on YouTube @DSHAHighSchool.
    NEW! Spring Choral Concert |  Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m. in the Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre
    The 2023 Spring Vocal Concert, "O Lord, in the morning You will hear my voice," will feature both the DSHA Concert Choir and DSHA’s Angelaires. Audience members will be treated to songs centering on morning, dawn, and the beauty of the Earth. Featuring songs from Broadway to The Beatles, Harry Styles, and traditional American and English folk songs, you won’t want to miss this celebration of song. This free concert will also be livestreamed on YouTube @DSHAHighSchool.
    NEW! Important DSHA Fall Musical Dates
    • Wednesday, May 10 | Title of DSHA's 2023 Fall Musical Announced
    • Wednesday, May 31 | Auditions for DSHA's 2023 Fall Musical
    • Thursday, June 1 | Callbacks for DSHA's 2023 Fall Musical

    Audition information will be posted on the DSHA website on Monday, May 15. All students interested in participating should plan to attend. Students still on the fence about auditioning this school year will have the opportunity to join the ensemble in the fall. 
    Please contact Theatre Director Zachary Ziegler with additional questions.  
    Community Theatre Works | Disney’s Descendants | High Schoolers Needed!
    Auditions for Community Theatre Works’ (CTW) summer production of Disney’s Descendents will take place on Wednesday, June 7 for students in rising grades 9-12. Adults may audition either day. Callbacks will be held Thursday, June 8 for all ages. Audition materials will be posted on the CTW website on Monday, May 1. All students in rising grades 9 - 12 will get a part in the show.
    Students in rising grades 9-12 must register for DSHA Summer Cool to audition.

    Rehearsals begin Monday, June 19 and run Monday through Friday from 12 - 4 p.m. for high school students and lead roles. There will be no rehearsal Monday, July 3 or Tuesday, July 4. Performances will be held Friday, July 14 - Sunday, July 16.
    Click here to register for DSHA Summer Cool for Community Theatre Works. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Theatre, Choir, and Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler.
    COVID-19 Dashboard
    Covid Information: Total Community Members (772)    
    3/5 - 19
    3/20 - 4/2
    4/3 - 23  
    Cumulative total for the school year  
    Close contacts due to exposure outside DSHA *    
    Close contacts due to exposure inside DSHA*   
    Positive cases traced to outside DSHA   
    Positive cases traced to inside DSHA   
     Current active positivity rate: 1/772 (0.13%) ** 
    *Number of individuals that were identified/reported as close contacts in this period.   
    **Positivity rate reflects the number of active positive cases divided by the total school community (students and staff=772) as of the date reported. 

    Community Health Measures | The health and safety of the DSHA community remains our priority. Our up-to-date COVID protocols can be found on the DSHA website under DSHA Community Health Measures. Any changes to the protocols during the school year will be communicated via the eNews.  

    Click here to view our full Community Health Measures | 2022-23 

    School COVID Lab Closing | Friday, April 28
    The on-site COVID testing clinic will remain open for students, household members, and staff through Friday, April 28. After April 28, the COVID testing clinic will no longer be available as state programming will end that day. However, home testing kits will be available through School Nurse Patti Hughes. Please contact if her you need any kits and please report positive or negative test results to the school nursing office.
    Click here to register for a test at the COVID lab. 

    NEW! Message from the School Nurse Patti Hughes
    • This is the last week of the DSHA COVID Lab. DSHA is so appreciative of the partnership with Accelerated Clinical Laboratories in Wauwatosa who has been with us for the last year and a half. 
    • Federal funding for COVID tests will expire soon. If you or a family member are in need of a rapid home test kit, School Nurse Patti Hughes will be able to assist with that for the remainder of the semester. Individuals can also obtain test kits at their local pharmacies or have testing at their healthcare provider.  
    • There are no school illness trends to share as we've just welcomed students back from the spring and Easter break. There have been some GI symptoms indicative of post-travel.

    Questions? Contact School Nurse Patti Hughes.  
    NEW! #DasherDay2023 Updates and Thank You
    The DSHA community showed up to make this year's day of giving the most successful one yet! Thank you for showing your DSHA spirit and sharing why you are #GladToBePlaid. We raised an initial $93,902 from 402 donors and surpassed our goal of 350 donors! One of DSHA's alumna was so inspired by the generosity of you – our community – that she donated $6,200 on Friday to help us reach $100,000 for #DasherDay2023.
    NEW! DSHA Annual Fund | There is still time to support the annual fund. Gifts of any size help us get one step closer to our goal of $1.08M this fiscal year.  

    Click here to make a gift to the DSHA Annual Fund. 
    NEW! National Letter of Intent Signing | Tuesday, April 18

    Tuesday, April 18 was the last opportunity for student-athletes to sign their National Letter of Intent at DSHA. The DSHA Athletic Department was proud to celebrate Yesenia Morales, DSHA '23, who will be playing rugby at the United States Military Academy West Point and Charlie Lund, DSHA '23, who will be rowing at the University of San Diego.
    Congratulations and best wishes to the two Dashers as they move on to play at the next level!
    Upcoming Events | Come support the DSHA lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, and track and field teams this season.
    Click here to find event times and locations. 

    DSHA Spring Sports Calendar | If you are looking for an easy way to stay up to date about game times, locations, postponements, and opponents sign up for mobile alerts from r-School.
    • Follow the link
    • Click "Notify Me" on the right side of the column
    • Follow the prompts 

    NEW! DSHA Track & Field Competes in GMC Conference | Wednesday, April 5

    The DSHA Track & Field team competed in the GMC Indoor Conference meet on Wednesday, April 5 at Germantown. The varsity team finished second overall. Special congratulations to the following Dashers:
    • Dani Riemer, DSHA '25, took 3rd in the 55 meter dash, 1st in the triple jump, and 1st in the long jump.
    • Natalie Swiderski, DSHA '24, took 2nd in the 55 meter high hurdles and 3rd in the 55 meter low hurdles.
    • The 4X800 meter relay team made up of Madeline Mahoney, DSHA '23; Mairin Daily, DSHA '25; Saylor Masters, DSHA '25; and Haddon Russell, DSHA '23, took 2nd.
    • Felicity Giampietro, DSHA '23, took 2nd in the 200 meter dash.
    • Annie Larsen, DSHA '24, took 3rd in the 3200 meter run.
    • Helena Cesarz, DSHA '23, took 3rd in the shot put. 

    Congratulations on a great meet!
    Faith Fridays for Spring Sports | The Faith Fridays with spring sports intentions will be as follows:  
    • Friday, May 5 | Soccer & Softball
    • Friday, May 12 | Spring Rugby 

    Please encourage your daughter to attend Faith Friday on the designated day. She can wear her team spirit wear with her skirt at Mass. A group photo will be taken following the service.
    NEW! DSHA Golf Team Academic Honor | The Golf Coaches Association of Wisconsin (GCAW) announced the recipients of the 12th annual Team Academic All-State award. The award was established to recognize high school golf teams with the highest team grade point averages. Team is defined as the five golfers on the roster for the girls’ fall 2022 WIAA regional tournament. Schools with at least a 3.25 team GPA will receive a certificate acknowledging honorable mention status. 
    DSHA achieved Honorable Mention in Division 1. Members of the team included Kate Krueger, DSHA '24; Maddie Olson, DSHA '23; Caitlin Organ, DSHA '23; Ava Roesch, DSHA '26; and Hannah Strachota, DSHA '25. 
    Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!
    DSHA Summer Cool Sports Camps | The DSHA 2023 Summer Cool Sports Camps still have spaces left. Please encourage families of girls in rising grades 1-9 to register by Monday, May 15.
    Click here to register for DSHA Summer Cool. 
    2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame  | Nomination Submissions Due Monday, May 1
    Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame! The deadline for submission of nominations is Monday, May 1.  

    Click here to view the nomination criteria. 
    Click here to complete an online nomination. 

    Click here to download a nomination form to mail. 

    2023-24 Fall Tryouts| Fall tryout information is here.

    Click here for tryout information and details. 

    For general DSHA Athletics questions, Contact Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell or Athletic Director Peggy Seegers-Braun.
    NEW! Upcoming Admission Events | Mark your calendars for the following admissions events!

    Future Dasher Night | Monday, May 1 

    Help us cheer on DSHA's varsity softball team as they take on Brookfield Central on Thursday, May 4! The game starts at 4:30 p.m. Future Dashers should check in at the admissions table to receive DSHA swag! 

    Click here to register for Future Dasher Night. 

    2023 DSHA Summer Cool

    Registration is still open for 2023 Summer Cool! From visual arts and STEM camps, to faith and athletics offerings, there is something for every girl in rising grades 1-9 at DSHA Summer Cool. Create and build a customizable schedule that works for your family!

    Visit to view the full brochure, camp schedules, camp descriptions, and other important information.

    Click here to register for DSHA Summer Cool. 
    Questions? Contact Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore, DSHA '16 or Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10.


    Current openings include:
    • Substitute Teacher
    • Head Basketball Coach
    Questions? Contact Director of Human Resources Claire Hartley. 
    Read More
  • DSHA Parent eNews | April 3, 2023

    Parent eNews | Monday, April 3 

    Dear DSHA Community,
    How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1
    Last week, we completed our retreat programming for the school year with our final two sophomore retreats. Our DSHA Campus Ministry team, faculty and staff, and student leaders successfully led nine retreats this year—including the Mother Mary Mission Day Retreat for DSHA faculty and staff.
    The sophomore retreat concludes with a particular prayer entitled The Gratitude Circle. During this time, students often express gratitude for the connections they made with classmates, the junior small group leaders, and the senior retreat coordinators. These connections come from spending time together in this setting and with phone-free conditions that allow for face-to-face conversations where girls see the goodness and kindness of Jesus in one another.
    As we enter Holy Week, we are reminded that the goodness and kindness of Jesus is most evident in His sacrifice for us on the cross. Our mission as a Catholic school is centered on Christ, and one way we live this out is through our retreat program. The Gratitude Circle prayer helps our students live together in unity as they recognize the goodness and kindness of Jesus in one another.
    May you have a safe and restful Easter and spring break!
    God Bless, 
    Dan Quesnell

    Look for the NEW! label to view information new to this edition of the Parent eNews.

    NEW! Mandatory Class Meetings | Tuesday, April 4
    • Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will attend a mandatory class meetings to hear about various leadership opportunities in Campus Ministry, DSHA Student Council (including DEI council), Dasher mentors, co-curriculars, athletics, and more.
    • Seniors will attend a mandatory senior class meeting to discuss important end of year and graduation information. Parents, stayed tuned for additional information via email later in the week.

    These are the last class meetings before spring break.

    NEW! Academic Check-In 
    DSHA is halfway through the 4th quarter! Please be sure to check your daughter’s academic progress by logging into myDSHA. Once school resumes after Easter Break on April 17, students only have 5 weeks of classes before final exams.
    NEW! Final Exams | Tuesday, May 23 - Friday, May 26
    The schedule for final examinations can be found in the calendar section of the DSHA website. Be sure to double-check the days and times and have your daughter plan accordingly.
    NEW! Congratulations to the DSHA Class of 2023 Valedictorian Kate Hemsworth, DSHA '23!

    NEW! Congratulations to the DSHA Class of 2023 Salutatorian Mae Scheuing, DSHA '23!

    AP, ACT, and SAT Test Program | We have a very user-friendly FREE AP/ACT/SAT online prep program that is totally individualized. Once a student establishes a login, she can access the test prep site from anywhere, anytime. The site provides individualized feedback on every question and a student could fit this prep into her day, 10-15 minutes at a time. 
    For help accessing this program, have your daughter contact Librarian Christina Thiele.
    Questions? Contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.
    Lent | During Lent, we unite ourselves through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to better enter the experience of the pascal mystery. This year we focused on supporting the organizations that the student body voted on as a part of our $10,000 Together challenge. Those organizations are the MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Best Buddies of WI, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. 
    NEW! Campus Ministry | Upcoming Events
    • Lenten Small Groups | Monday, April 3
    • Holy Week All-School Stations of the Cross | Wednesday, April 5
    • 2023-24 CM Leader Applications Due Online | Sunday, April 16 
    • 2023-24 Officer and Retreat Coordinator Interviews | Tuesday, April 18 
    • 2023-24 Small Group Leader & Campus Ministry Leader Circles, Collections Day, and PB & J Ministry | Thursday, April 20 
    • Faith Friday Mass | Friday, April 21 
    • Alumnae Service Day | Saturday, April 22 - see below for more information

    NEW! 2023-24 Campus Ministry Leadership Applications | Mandatory Class Meetings on Tuesday, April 4
    Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will attend a mandatory class meeting on Tuesday, April 4, to hear about the Campus Ministry leadership opportunities for next year. Campus Ministry needs more than 100 student leaders for prayer, service, and retreats.
    Please encourage your daughter to pray about applying for a Campus Ministry leadership position. It's a great opportunity to grow in her faith while bringing others closer to God.
    Click here for more information and to view Campus Ministry leadership opportunities.
    All-School Stations of the Cross | Wednesday, April 5 at 10:03 a.m.
    In order to accommodate the All-School Stations of the Cross experience, Wednesday, April 5, will NOT be a late start day. Classes will begin at 7:50 a.m. as usual.
    Students will experience Jesus’ Way of the Cross through the eyes of His mother, Mary, on Wednesday, April 5. This will take place in the Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre. Parents are welcome to join but should check-in at the main office upon arrival.
    Please contact Theology Faculty & Campus Minister for Retreats Jena Thurow-Mountin for more information.
    NEW! Grandparents Day Mass Ministers | Lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, and gift bearers are needed for our 2023 Grandparents Day Mass on Wednesday, April 26. Please contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson by Wednesday, April 12 if your daughter and/or her grandparents would like to help with Mass. 
    NEW! Alumnae Service Day | Saturday, April 22
    Is your daughter looking for more service opportunities? There will be lots of opportunities to get service hours on Saturday, April 22. The morning will consist of Salvatorian service with DSHA Alumnae and the afternoon will consist of DSHA service to our teachers and building.
    All service opportunities can be found on x2VOL. Please contact Director of Salvatorian Service Dr. Katie Pickart, DSHA '84, for more information. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson.
    Spring Sophomore Meetings with School Counselors | School counselors are currently meeting with all sophomore students regarding their academic and college/career planning. The purpose of this meeting is to check in with students on how they have been getting involved and how they are engaging in their personal wellness. They will also have the chance to explore Naviance, an online tool available to all students in exploring career and college information. If your sophomore missed her sophomore meeting, she should reach out to schedule it with their assigned school counselor. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Student Services Maria Schram.
    NEW! College Decision Day | Friday, April 28
    Senior parents, your daughters are just under eight weeks away from graduation and will soon join a community of over 15,000 women – the DSHA Alumnae.
    College Decision Day is a long-standing tradition where graduating seniors don their college gear, to represent where they will be attending next fall. This event will run from 11:59 a.m.  - 12:29 p.m. The celebration begins in the DSHA Commons where both the Student Services and Advancement departments will collect vital information from the senior class. Afterwards, seniors will be invited outside to celebrate with sweet treats, music, photo opportunities, and more!
    Revolution Prep AP, SAT, and ACT Exam Support | As examination season is upon us, Revolution Prep is offering free practice tests.

    Click here for more information and to register. 

    College Essay Support | This spring, Prompt is hosting a series of free "Secrets to Great College Applications and Essays" webinars. A Prompt writing coach will share practical advice to help your daughter develop a compelling personal brand, identify what to write about, and avoid common mistakes. They’ll also host a live Q & A session.
    Registration is required for all Prompt events. Your daughter can sign up for the upcoming webinars here:

    For more support from Prompt, check out the DSHA Prompt Resources Page.
    Individual Junior Meetings | Now through Thursday, April 27
    Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea will be meeting with each junior student to help start the college search and share information on the college application process here at DSHA. Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02, is in the process of scheduling the meetings. Please contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea with further questions.  
    DSHA College Application Workshop | Mornings of June 6 - 8
    DSHA will once again be offering a college application workshop for rising seniors this summer. This three-day workshop will focus on completing the common application including the essay section. Students will also have their college essays read by two different college admissions counselors.
    More information will be sent out at a later date.
    College Fair Information and Registration | Wisconsin Education Fairs
    Wisconsin Education Fairs provide easy access to information about postsecondary options on a timely basis for all Wisconsin citizens, regardless of geographic location.
    The fair includes all UW state universities and centers, Wisconsin's independent colleges and universities, Wisconsin technical colleges, and many out-of-state institutions. In addition, many community colleges, trade schools, and national service organizations are represented.
    Click here for fair dates and registration. 
    National Association for College Admission Counseling Virtual College Fairs
    The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is hosting virtual college fairs. Title IV eligible and accredited colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions and programs will be present. 
    International institutions that offer academic degrees or diplomas sanctioned by the country's Ministry of Higher Education or by a US accrediting association will also be in attendance.

    Click here for virtual fair dates and registration. 

    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea.
    NEW! Applied Wellness Meeting Reminders
    Applied Wellness will be meeting with sophomores and juniors for an end of the year check-in. There will also be an opportunity for them to complete an interest survey that will be used to develop programming for the next year. Attendance will be taken for sophomore and junior students. Any sophomore or junior student that misses April 3 or 4 should report to the DSHA Den during their Applied Wellness hour for information they missed.
    • Sophomore Check-In | Monday, April 3 | Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre during their Applied Wellness hour
    • Juniors Check-In | Tuesday, April 4 | Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre during their Applied Wellness hour
    • Senior Survey | Seniors will be completing a capstone survey allowing them an opportunity to reflect over the past 4 years.

    NEW! Awesome School Mental Health Surveys | Available Sunday, April 2 - Monday, April 17
    Your daughter will once again have the opportunity to complete a confidential self-care assessment through Awesome Schools from Sunday, April 2 - Monday, April 17. The ownership is on your daughter to complete the brief assessment within the window available. Immediate feedback is provided and she will see her new results compared to the previous fall semester.
    This is a confidential assessment so only your daughter can view the results. An email will arrive from so she should check spam if she does not see it in her dsha inbox by Monday, April 3.
    If you would like to learn more, please feel free to visit Awesome School's website. Completing this assessment provides an opportunity for Dashers to compare the results of this assessment to their current state of mind. It allows your daughter to take a moment to reflect on what is both going well or not going well in her life.
    Questions? Contact Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93.
    NEW! Upcoming Dasher Dialogue | Friday, April 21
    The Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will be hosting an Autism Awareness Dasher Dialogue on Friday, April 21, in the Commons from 11:28 - 12:29 p.m.
    Optional Dasher Dialogues have been a part of the fabric of DSHA for the last seven years. Consistent with the DSHA mission to form young women who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference, Dasher Dialogues create a loving and caring space for conversations that can be uncomfortable. These conversations focus on the dignity of every Dasher while helping students understand their responsibility to act as disciples of Jesus Christ.
    Questions? Contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze.
    Junior Prom | Tickets Available for Purchase Today - Wednesday, April 5
    Tickets for Junior Prom are now available on your daughter's myDSHA account. They will be available for purchase until Wednesday, April 5. Forms must be signed by both the parent and student.
    Graduation Dress Details | Senior parents, below are the guidelines for graduation dresses. All graduates must submit a photo of themselves wearing the dress to Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks no later than Thursday, May 2. The photo may be submitted in person or electronically.
    • Full or Tea Length White/Ivory Dress | The white or ivory graduation dress is to be floor length or tea length (mid-calf). A wrap or cover-up in white or ivory is allowed and encouraged with backless, strapless, or halter dresses. Any color graduation dress other than white or ivory is not acceptable. Alternatively, students may choose to wear a white or ivory pantsuit. Any color pantsuit other than white or ivory is not acceptable.
    • White Gloves | Full length white or ivory gloves are mandatory.
    • Hair, Jewelry, and Shoes | Hair and jewelry should be appropriate for the occasion and conservative in appearance. Shoes must be white or ivory in color.

    Attendance Reminders | If your daughter is going to miss school for any reason, please call our Attendance Office at 414-721-2920 as soon as possible. If your daughter is marked absent from class, and we have not heard from you, she will be marked unexcused and given a slip to verify her absence. If her absence does not get verified, she may receive a Saturday detention.
    Uniform and Snack Donations | We are in high need of uniform donations. We are especially in need of polos and sweaters in all adult sizes. 
    Secondly, the Student Services team is looking for snack donations that are given out to students in need. 
    Any snack or uniform donations can be dropped off at the DSHA Main Office.
    Boys & Girls Club Free Driver's Education Courses | Monday - Friday, 5 - 7 p.m. at The Ready Center
    The Boys & Girls Club is offering free driver's education courses to teenagers 15-17 years old at The Ready Center. Classes are limited to 20 participants and participants must be members of the Boys & Girls Club.
    Click here for registration information. 
    Questions? Contact Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks.

    NEW! Ballpark Day of Faith | Sunday, June 18
    Are you looking for a bonding opportunity for your daughter and her father on Father's Day? The 12th Annual Ballpark Day of Faith is more that just a tailgate. Join the Brewers versus Pirates game for a chance to share a day of beauty and joy with family where the sacred meets the secular. 

    Click here to learn more. 

    DSHA Class of 2023 Graduation Announcements | Click on the link below to purchase graduation announcements and photo cards.

    Click here to purchase items. 
    NEW! 2022-2023 Blackbaud Tuition Statements | To access your statement, log into your myDSHA account, go to the Resource tab, and click on the Blackbaud Tuition Management tab.
    Senior families – your Blackbaud tuition accounts must be paid by Monday, May 15.  
    Questions? Contact Accounts Receivable Coordinator Sandy Vrana at (414) 721-2916.

    Parent Fine Arts Association Meeting | Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m.
    Future PFAA meetings include:

    ● Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m.
    ● Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m.
    Please join us for the next PFAA meeting and to learn more about what is happening in the Fine Arts at DSHA. Questions? Contact PFAA President Tracey Fricker.
    NEW! Parent Association Meeting | The next DSHA Parent Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25. Please join us!
    NEW! DSHA TSC Breakfast Volunteers | We need TSC (DSHA faculty and staff) breakfast volunteers for Wednesday, May 3. Please consider signing up.
    Questions? Contact Parent Association President Moe Tarantino.
    Dasher Resale Additional Information | If you are looking to buy or sell your daughter's used uniforms or textbooks, this is a great opportunity! Uniforms and textbook collections will happen during exam week.
    • Junior and senior students may drop off used uniforms and textbooks. | Tuesday, May 23 from 11 a.m. - noon
    • Freshman and sophomore students may drop off used uniforms and textbooks. | Wednesday, May 24 from 11 a.m. - noon
    • All-students may drop off used uniforms and textbooks. | Thursday, May 25 from 11 a.m. - noon

    This parent-run event will happen on Wednesday, June 14 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Stay tuned for more details to come soon.
    Join one of our DSHA Parent Associations | Parents are key members of the DSHA community and important partners in much of the work done through the school on behalf of each student. In addition to individual volunteer activities, these organizations provide opportunities for parents to meet and work together. The parent chairs of the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and the Parent Fine Arts Association invite you to become involved by supporting these organizations with your time and voluntary dues. Dues are $25 per association.
    Click here to join the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and/or the Parent Fine Arts Association. 

    Dasher Day of Giving | Wednesday, April 19

    Dasher Day of Giving is an opportunity for parents, alumnae, dedicated faculty and staff, and friends of the DSHA community to join us and celebrate why we are #GladToBePlaid. The 24-hour period raises critical dollars for the DSHA Annual Fund and helps us reach our goal of $1.08 million this year. Giving to the DSHA Annual Fund makes a difference in the education of every single young woman attending our school. 
    Last year, on Dasher Day of Giving, the DSHA community rallied in record numbers. This year, let’s show our community how Dashers work together and set a new record of generosity. We have set a goal of 350 donors, the most gifts in one day in DSHA giving day history!
    Want to be more involved? Join the #DasherDay2023 volunteer team! Whether in-person or virtually, giving day volunteers can have a big impact. Invite fellow families to give via text-a-thon, write thank you notes to donors, and generate a spirit of gratitude in partnership with other DSHA families. The best part? You can have a big impact by volunteering for 30 minutes or less.

    Click here to make your gift early. 

    Click here to sign up to volunteer for Dasher Day of Giving. 

    Click here more information about Dasher Day of Giving. 

    Grandparent Liturgy | RSVP by Wednesday, April 19
    DSHA invites grandparents to join us for the annual Grandparent Liturgy on Wednesday, April 26. Grandparents will enjoy Mass followed by a continental breakfast with their granddaughter and the DSHA community. Parents—please extend this invitation on our behalf!
    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    Sign Up to Volunteer Today | Volunteers hold a special place in the fabric of our community, and we invite you to join a fantastic team that truly makes a difference in the lives of our young women while you get to know other Dasher parents.

    Click here for a full list of volunteer opportunities and to sign up today. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney 

    NEW! Important DSHA Fall Musical Dates
    • Wednesday, May 10 | Title of DSHA's 2023 Fall Musical Announced
    • Wednesday, May 31 | Auditions for DSHA's 2023 Fall Musical
    • Thursday, June 1 | Callbacks for DSHA's 2023 Fall Musical

    Save the Dates | Upcoming DSHA Fine Arts Events

    Please join us for one of the following upcoming concerts and events!
    • HandbellPalooza | Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m.
    • Instrumental Concert | Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m.
    • Angelaires and Choral Concert | Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m.
    • Fine Arts Awards Night | Wednesday, May 10 at 7 p.m.

    Community Theatre Works | Disney’s Descendants
    Auditions for Community Theatre Works’ (CTW) summer production of Disney’s Descendents will take place on Wednesday, June 7 for students in rising grades 9-12. Adults may audition either day. Callbacks will be held Thursday, June 8 for all ages. Audition materials will be posted on the CTW website on Monday, May 1. All students in rising grades 9 - 12 will get a part in the show.
    Students in rising grades 9-12 must register for DSHA Summer Cool to audition. Registration for DSHA Summer Cool is now open!
    Rehearsals begin Monday, June 19 and run Monday through Friday from 12 - 4 p.m. for high school students and lead roles. There will be no rehearsal Monday, July 3 or Tuesday, July 4. Performances will be held Friday, July 14 - Sunday, July 16.
    Questions? Contact Director of Theatre, Choir, and Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler.

    COVID-19 Dashboard
    Covid Information: Total Community Members (772)    
    2/20 - 3/5
    3/5 - 3/19
    3/20 - 4/2  
    Cumulative total for the school year  
    Close contacts due to exposure outside DSHA *    
    Close contacts due to exposure inside DSHA*   
    Positive cases traced to outside DSHA   
    Positive cases traced to inside DSHA   
     Current active positivity rate: 2/772 (0.26%) ** 
    *Number of individuals that were identified/reported as close contacts in this period.   
    **Positivity rate reflects the number of active positive cases divided by the total school community (students and staff=772) as of the date reported. 
    Community Health Measures | The health and safety of the DSHA community remains our priority. Our up-to-date COVID protocols can be found on the DSHA website under DSHA Community Health Measures. Any changes to the protocols during the school year will be communicated via the eNews.  

    Click here to view our full Community Health Measures | 2022-23
    School COVID Lab Closing | Friday, April 28
    The onsite COVID testing clinic will remain open for students, household members, and staff through Friday, April 28. After April 28, the COVID testing clinic will no longer be available as state programming will end that day. However, home testing kits will be available through School Nurse Patti Hughes. Please contact if her you need any kits and please report positive or negative test results to the school nursing office.

    Click here to register for a test at the COVID lab. 
    NEW! Message from the School Nurse Patti Hughes
    • Most COVID home tests have extensions of their expiration dates. Studies have shown that they are valid longer than the printed expiration date. You may search for the manufacturer of your test kit to see the new extended expiration dates. Many have a 6–7 month extension. Check your extended date before throwing "expired" kits away.
    • Sore throats, colds, fatigue, and vomiting are the most common symptoms being reported at this time.
    • Top reported symptoms from positive COVID cases during this period are sore throat and runny nose.
    • There have also been a few confirmed cases of strep.
    • Please continue to monitor your daughter for any of the above symptoms.

    Questions? Contact School Nurse Patti Hughes.  
    NEW! National Letter of Intent Signing | Tuesday, April 18

    Tuesday, April 18 is the last opportunity for student-athletes to sign their National Letter of Intent at DSHA. The DSHA Athletic Department is proud to celebrate the following Dashers:

    • Yesenia Morales, DSHA '23, who will be playing rugby with the United States Military Academy at West Point.
    • Charlie Lund, DSHA '23, who will be rowing at the University of San Diego. 
    Come join in the celebration at 10:55 a.m. during lunch in the DSHA Commons on April 18!
    Upcoming Events | Come support the DSHA lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, and track and field teams this season.

    Click here to find event times and locations. 
    NEW! DSHA Spring Sports Calendar | If you are looking for an easy way to stay up to date about game times, locations, postponements, and opponents sign up for mobile alerts from r-School.
    • Follow the link
    • Click "Notify Me" on the right side of the column
    • Follow the prompts 

    NEW! DSHA Varsity Soccer Games Livestreamed | Thanks to DSHA Varsity Assistant Soccer Coach Steve Lawrence, individuals can livestream all of the DSHA Varsity Soccer games this season via “Veo Live”. It’s an application that needs to be downloaded. You can only view via a tablet or phone.
    • Once you’ve downloaded the application, and signed up for a free account, search for "MUHS." DSHA is sharing the software with Marquette University High School. When the scoreboard shows MUHS, it signifies DSHA.
    • Click on the "Follow" button once your search result shows MUHS.
    • This link will take you directly to the DSHA games.

    The success of livestreaming these games at different facilities depends on the cellular coverage in that area. 
    NEW! Maura Reardon, DSHA ’20, Excels at Synchronized Skating
    Maura Reardon, DSHA ‘20, is currently skating for Miami University’s Senior Varsity Synchronized Skating Team. This team is the highest level a synchronized skater can compete. Due to their success this season, the team was selected to compete as Team USA at an international competition in Salzburg and Milan this winter.
    In early March, Reardon and her team also earned the silver medal at U.S. Nationals where they were named to the World Team. They competed as Team USA in the ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships in Lake Placid Friday March 31- Sunday April 1 and placed 6th overall. U.S. Figure Skating selects 2 teams to represent the United States at Worlds, where they will compete against 23 teams, representing 19 countries.
    Reardon has competed in synchronized skating since 2011. The sport is a team of 16 skaters on ice at the same time who skate in unison. 
    Congratulations to Maura and her continued success!
    Click here to read the latest article on Maura Reardon, DSHA 20, and her team. 
    NEW! DSHA Competes in First Flag Football Event | Saturday, April 1

    The Green Bay Packers hosted the first ever Packers Girls Flag Football Open on Saturday, April 1 in Green Bay. 
    Girls flag football is being sanctioned as a high school sport in more and more states across the country and several National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) colleges now offer scholarships for girls to play at the collegiate level. As a result, the Green Bay Packers wanted to see those same opportunities provided to high school girls in the State of Wisconsin. Their goal is to have girls flag football sanctioned as a WIAA sport in the coming years.
    All schools in the state were encouraged to apply and 10 schools were randomly drawn from those applications, DSHA included. Co-Head Varsity Field Hockey Coach, English Faculty, and Instructional Technology Coordinator Quinn Loucks and Health & Fitness Faculty Jess Liban took 13 girls to Green Bay to compete in the event. The girls were treated to a welcoming speaker at Lambeau Field, a stadium tour, and went through the Packers Hall of Fame.
    Following lunch, they competed in several individual and team skills challenges that tested speed, agility, and athleticism at the Don Hutson Center. The Packers provided funds for transportation and the Nike uniforms which the girls kept. In addition, the NAIA colleges who offer girls flag football scholarships were all invited to come and watch the event. 
    To wrap up the day, they played 3 games in a jamboree style format. DSHA won all three games! They beat Clayton 44-19 in the first game, Milwaukee King 49-13 in the second game, and Wauwayega-Fremant 39-21 in the third game! Out of the 10 teams, DSHA was one of only two schools that went undefeated. 
    Thanks to the coaches and student-athletes who participated in this first of a kind event and represented DSHA in such a positive way! Stayed tuned to DSHA's social media for more on this special day!
    Faith Fridays for Spring Sports | The Faith Fridays with spring sports intentions will be as follows:  
    • Friday, May 5 | Soccer & Softball
    • Friday, May 12 |  Spring Rugby 

    Please encourage your daughter to attend Faith Friday on the designated day. She can wear her team spirit wear with her skirt at Mass. A group photo will be taken following the service.
    NEW! Faith Friday | Lacrosse & Track and Field

    The DSHA Lacrosse and the DSHA Track and Field teams celebrated Faith Friday together on Friday, March 31. What a great way to start off the season together!
    DSHA Summer Cool Sports Camps | The DSHA 2023 Summer Cool Sports Camps are open for registration. Camps fill up quickly so please register as soon as possible.

    Click here to register for 2023 DSHA Summer Cool. 

    2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame  | Nomination Submissions Due Monday, May 1
    Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame! The deadline for submission of nominations is Monday, May 1.  

    Click here to view the nomination material. 

    Click here to complete an online nomination. 

    Click here to download a nomination form to mail. 

    NEW! 2023-24 Fall Tryouts| Fall tryout information is here.

    Click here for tryout information and details. 

    For general DSHA Athletics questions, Contact Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell or Athletic Director Peggy Seegers-Braun.
    Admissions Events | Do you know a Future Dasher? Please share the following!

    5th - 7th Grade Open House | Sunday, April 23

    Click here to register for DSHA Open House. 
    NEW! Upcoming Admission Events | Mark your calendars for the following admissions events!

    Yard Signs

    Help us spread the word by putting an Open House sign in your yard. Yard signs can be picked up at all school entrances. 
    Thank you for your help recruiting Future Dashers! 

    Click here to learn more about Open House. 

    2023 DSHA Summer Cool
    Registration is open for 2023 Summer Cool! From visual arts and STEM camps, to faith and athletics offerings, there is something for every girl in rising grades 1-9 at DSHA Summer Cool. Create and build a customizable schedule that works for your family!

    Visit to view the full brochure, camp schedules, camp descriptions, and other important information.
    Camps are filling up fast. Register now to reserve your camp spot!
    Click here to register for 2023 DSHA Summer Cool. 

    Click here to view the 2023 DSHA Summer Cool brochure.

    Questions? Contact Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore, DSHA '16 or Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10. 

  • DSHA Parent eNews | March 20, 2023

    Parent eNews | Monday, March 20 

    Dear DSHA Community,
    How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1
    Last week, the DSHA Class of 2023 returned to campus after their two-week Vocare service immersion experience. We formally welcomed them back in prayer on Thursday with the Vocare Welcome Back All-School Assembly.
    Vocare in Latin means to "draw forth, to call." This experience sends each DSHA senior to serve for two full weeks in the greater Milwaukee community. By working alongside the elderly, children, those with special needs, or in community outreach organizations, each senior experiences firsthand many of the critical issues facing our society and gains a deeper understanding of how she can utilize her God-given gifts and talents in service to others.
    During the welcome back prayer service, several girls shared their reflective experiences with the student body. The reflections represent how, through their DSHA experience, our students grow as confident and capable believers, critical thinkers, communicators, leaders, and self-advocates who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference. 
    God Bless, 
    Dan Quesnell

    Look for the NEW! label to view information new to this edition of the Parent eNews.

    NEW! No School | Friday, March 24
    Due to a professional development day for all DSHA faculty, there will be no classes on Friday, March 24.
    NEW! Report Cards | Third quarter report cards are available on your daughter's myDSHA account. As a reminder, the quarterly report cards are a snapshot in time and are not permanent records. We have rolling grades at DSHA and the only permanent grades are at the semester. If you have questions or concerns about a grade, please reach out to your daughter’s teacher to seek more information. 
    STEM Scholars Program | New Applications due Wednesday, March 22
    If your daughter is interested in joining the STEM Scholars Program for the 2023-24 school year, application forms can be picked up from Specialized Studies Department Chair & Mathematics Faculty Connie Farrow in room 314. Applications must be completed and returned to room 314 by Wednesday, March 22. This information was communicated to students via Microsoft Teams and announcements.
    AP, ACT, and SAT Test Program | We have a very user-friendly FREE AP/ACT/SAT online prep program that is totally individualized. Once a student establishes a login, she can access the test prep site from anywhere, anytime. The site provides individualized feedback on every question and a student could fit this prep into her day, 10-15 minutes at a time. 
    For help accessing this program, have your daughter contact Librarian Christina Thiele.
    Questions? Contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.
    Lent | During Lent, we unite ourselves through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to better enter the experience of the pascal mystery. This year we will be focusing on supporting the organizations that the student body voted on as a part of our $10,000 Together challenge. Those organizations are the MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Best Buddies of WI, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
    As we continue through this reflective time in the liturgical season, we encourage your daughter to participate in the programs listed below. There are many opportunities for her to grow stronger in her faith this season. 
    Lenten Programming | Upcoming Events
    • Best Buddies Down Syndrome Awareness Day Kickball Game | Tuesday, March 21
    • All-School Reconciliation in Theology Classes | Thursday, March 23
    • Sophomore Retreat #3 | Monday March 27 - Tuesday, March 28
    • Sophomore Retreat #4 | Tuesday, March 28 - Wednesday, March 29
    • All-Day Eucharistic Adoration | Wednesday, March 29
    • Bingo Fundraiser for $10,000 Together | Thursday, March 30
    • Faith Friday & Soup with Substance | Friday, March 31
    • Lenten Small Groups | Monday, April 3
    • All-School Stations of the Cross | Wednesday, April 5

    All-School Stations of the Cross | Wednesday, April 5 at 10:03 a.m.
    Wednesday, April 5 will NOT be a late start day to accommodate the All-School Stations of the Cross experience. Classes will begin at 7:50 a.m. as usual.
    Students will experience Jesus’ Way of the Cross through the eyes of His mother, Mary, on Wednesday, April 5. This will take place in the Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre. Parents are welcome to join but should check-in at the main office upon arrival.
    Please contact Theology Faculty & Campus Minister for Retreats Jena Thurow-Mountin for more information.
    NEW! Salvatorian Service Reminder | Service due by Monday, May 1
    The Sister of the Divine Savior's charism to be the goodness and kindness of the Savior compels us to serve the poor and vulnerable among us. All Dashers are required to participate in service and receive credit for completing their requirements each year. Your daughter's service hours must be logged on x2VOL and approved by Director of Salvatorian Service Dr. Katie Pickart, DSHA '84 by May 1. Service reflections will take place in Theology classes on Wednesday, May 10. 
    Students who do not meet the requirement will receive an incomplete in service at the end of the year. Parents and guardians, please confirm with your daughters that they have fulfilled their requirements to serve.
    NEW! Interest Survey for a DSHA Italy Trip | Survey due Friday, March 31

    DSHA is considering offering a school-sponsored trip to Italy in 2024. This trip would be co-sponsored by both the Latin and Campus Ministry programs and would highlight classical Rome and the heart of the Catholic world. Rome will act as the home base for students with trips to other Italian cities included.
    We are looking for input from families that might be interested in going. If interested, please submit the survey information by March 31. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson.
    NEW! Youth Risk Behavior Survey | Thursday, March 30 - Friday, March 31
    DSHA students will be taking the online Youth Risk Behavior Survey at school during their Theology classes on Thursday, March 30 and Friday, March 31. This online survey is anonymous and was developed to monitor the health behaviors that contribute to social issues among youth and adults in the United States.
    The Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is conducted as part of a national effort by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to monitor health-risk behaviors of the nation's high school students. These behaviors result in the most significant causes of both mortality and morbidity during youth and adulthood. The behaviors monitored by the Wisconsin YRBS include traffic safety; weapons and violence; suicide; tobacco use; alcohol and other drug use; sexual behavior; and diet, nutrition, and exercise.
    The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has administered the YRBS every two years beginning in 1993. The YRBS is administered to students in Wisconsin's public high schools and voluntarily by Wisconsin’s private schools. Survey procedures were designed to protect the privacy of students by allowing anonymous and voluntary participation.
    DSHA uses this data to inform programming such as the Risk Behavior Workshop where DSHA data is presented. Results from this survey are used to help determine programming within DSHA Student Services to best support our students. If you do not want your daughter to take the anonymous survey, please contact School Counselor Janet Como by the end of the day on Monday, March 27.
    NEW! Spring Sophomore Meetings with School Counselors | School counselors are currently meeting with all sophomore students regarding their academic and college/career planning. The purpose of this meeting is to check in with students on how they have been getting involved and how they are engaging in their personal wellness. They will also have the chance to explore Naviance, an online tool available to all students in exploring career and college information. If your sophomore missed her sophomore meeting, she should reach out to schedule it with their assigned school counselor. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Student Services Maria Schram.
    NEW! Revolution Prep AP, SAT, and ACT Exam Support | As examination season is upon us, Revolution Prep is offering free practice tests. 

    Click here for more information and to register. 

    Highly Selective Universities Admissions Program | Tuesday, March 28 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Marquette University High School, O'Rouke Performing Arts Hall
    Please join us as we welcome Director of Outreach and Communications at the University of Chicago College Admissions Office Katie Chaszczewski who will lead a conversation on "Understanding Admissions at Highly Selective Universities." You and your daughter can gain insights from a seasoned, respected professional and learn tips on putting her best foot forward in the process. The program will have information geared towards sophomore and junior families who are closer to the college application process, though all families are welcome to attend. 
    If you and your daughter are interested in attending, please fill out this RSVP form no later than Friday, March 24.
    NEW! College Essay Support | This spring, Prompt is hosting a series of free "Secrets to Great College Applications and Essays" webinars. A Prompt writing coach will share practical advice to help your daughter develop a compelling personal brand, identify what to write about, and avoid common mistakes. They’ll also host a live Q & A session.
    Registration is required for all Prompt events. Your daughter can sign up for upcoming webinars here:

    For more support from Prompt, check out the DSHA Prompt Resources Page.
    Individual Junior Meetings | Now through Thursday, April 27
    Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea will be meeting with each junior student to help start the college search and share information on the college application process here at DSHA. Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02, is in the process of scheduling the meetings. Please contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea with further questions.  
    NEW! DSHA College Application Workshop | Mornings of June 6 - 8
    DSHA will once again be offering a college application workshop for rising seniors this summer. This three-day workshop will focus on completing the common application including the essay section. Students will also have their college essays read by two different college admissions counselors.
    More information will be sent out at a later date.
    College Fair Information and Registration | Wisconsin Education Fairs
    Wisconsin Education Fairs provide easy access to information about postsecondary options on a timely basis for all Wisconsin citizens, regardless of geographic location.
    The fair includes all UW state universities and centers, Wisconsin's independent colleges and universities, Wisconsin technical colleges, and many out-of-state institutions. In addition, many community colleges, trade schools, and national service organizations are represented.
    Click here for fair dates and registration. 

    National Association for College Admission Counseling Virtual College Fairs
    The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is hosting virtual college fairs. Title IV eligible and accredited colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions and programs will be present. 
    International institutions that offer academic degrees or diplomas sanctioned by the country's Ministry of Higher Education or by a US accrediting association will also be in attendance.

    Click here for virtual fair dates and registration. 

    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea.
    NEW! Applied Wellness Program | Check-In Surveys
    As we are halfway through the spring semester, please encourage your daughter to think about how she utilized her Applied Wellness this year. What has she enjoyed? What would she like to see offered? How has she taken ownership of her engagement?  
    Applied Wellness will be meeting with sophomores and juniors for an end of the year check-in. There will also be an opportunity for them to complete an interest survey that will be used to develop programming for the next year.
    • Sophomore Check-In | Monday, April 3 |  Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre during their Applied Wellness hour
    • Juniors Check-In | Tuesday, April 4 | Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre during their Applied Wellness hour
    • Seniors will be completing a capstone survey allowing them an opportunity to reflect over the past 4 years.

    Any sophomore or junior student that misses April 3 or 4 should report to the DSHA Den during their Applied Wellness hour for information they missed.
    Questions? Contact Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93.
    NEW! Upcoming Dasher Dialogue | Friday, April 21
    The Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will be hosting an "Autism Awareness" Dasher Dialogue on Friday, April 21 in the Commons during early and late Dasher time from 11:28 - 12:29 p.m.
    Optional Dasher Dialogues have been a part of the fabric of DSHA for the last seven years. Consistent with the DSHA mission to form young women who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference, Dasher Dialogues create a loving and caring space for conversations that can be uncomfortable. These conversations focus on the dignity of every Dasher while helping students understand their responsibility to act as disciples of Jesus Christ.
    NEW! Parent Meetings | Monday, March 27 at 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the DSHA Commons
    Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze will be meeting with parents who are raising students of color on Monday, March 27. Families can expect more information to be sent via email in the next few days.
    Questions? Contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze.
    NEW! Junior Prom | Tickets Available for Purchase Today - Wednesday, April 5
    Tickets for Junior Prom are now available on your daughter's myDSHA account. They will be available for purchase until Wednesday, April 5.
    Questions? Please contact English Faculty Kayla Gilgenbach. 
    NEW! Graduation Announcements | Senior parents, please stay tuned for information in the coming weeks regarding all-things graduation. You can expect to see information coming out by the first week of April.
    NEW! Graduation Dress Details | Senior parents, below are the guidelines for graduation dresses. All graduates must submit a photo of themselves wearing the dress to Interim Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Kevin Hughes or Dean of Student Affairs Rachel Fredricks no later than Thursday, May 2. The photo may be submitted in person or electronically.
    Full or Tea Length White/Ivory Dress:  
    The white or ivory graduation dress is to be floor length or tea length (mid-calf). A wrap or cover-up in white or ivory is allowed and encouraged with backless, strapless, or halter dresses. Any color graduation dress other than white or ivory is not acceptable.  
    Alternatively, students may choose to wear a white or ivory pantsuit. Any color pantsuit other than white or ivory is not acceptable. 
    White Gloves:
    Full length white or ivory gloves are mandatory.
    Hair and jewelry should be appropriate for the occasion and conservative in appearance. Shoes must be white or ivory in color.  

    Attendance Reminders | If your daughter is going to miss school for any reason, please call our Attendance Office at 414-721-2920 as soon as possible. If your daughter is marked absent from class, and we have not heard from you, she will be marked unexcused and given a slip to verify her absence. If her absence does not get verified, she may receive a Saturday detention.
    Uniform and Snack Donations | We are in high need of uniform donations. We are especially in need of polos and sweaters in all adult sizes. 
    Secondly, the Student Services team is looking for snack donations that are given out to students in need. 
    Any snack or uniform donations can be dropped off at the DSHA Main Office.
    Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee | Spring Programing Available
    The Davis, Mary Ryan, and Pieper Hillside Boys and Girls Club locations are hosting spring programming every Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. until Saturday, May 20. Kids and teenagers ages 9 and above are welcome to attend. The programming includes a variety of sports, games, art projects, and more.

    Click here for more information about the program. 
    Boys & Girls Club Free Driver's Education Courses | Monday - Friday, 5 - 7 p.m. at The Ready Center
    The Boys & Girls Club is offering free driver's education courses to teenagers 15-17 years old at The Ready Center. Classes are limited to 20 participants and participants must be members of the Boys & Girls Club.

    Click here for registration information. 
    Questions? Contact Interim Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Kevin Hughes.


    NEW! Lands' End Sale | Lands' End is running a promotional sale of 40% off on all uniform essentials. The sale will end on Friday, March 31. 
    Click here for sale information. 
    DSHA Class of 2023 Graduation Announcements | Click on the link below to purchase graduation announcements and photo cards.

    Click here to purchase items. 
    Parent Association Meeting | Tuesday, March 28 at 8:30 a.m. in the Sisters of the Divine Savior's Fireside Lounge
    Please join us for our next meeting! Questions? Contact Parent Association President Moe Tarantino.
    NEW! Parent Fine Arts Association Meeting | Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m.
    Future PFAA meetings include:

    ● Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m.
    ● Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m.
    Please join us for the next PFAA meeting and to learn more about what is happening in the Fine Arts at DSHA. Questions? Contact PFAA President Tracey Fricker.
    Save the Dates | Upcoming DSHA Fine Arts Events
    Please join us for one of the following upcoming concerts and events!
    • HandbellPalooza | Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m.
    • Instrumental Concert | Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m.
    • Angelaire and Choral Concert | Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m.
    • Fine Arts Awards Night | Wednesday, May 10 at 7 p.m.

    NEW! Dasher Resale Additional Information | If you are looking to buy or sell your daughter's used uniforms or textbooks, this is a great opportunity! Uniforms and textbook collections will happen during exam week.
    • Tuesday, May 23 from 11 a.m. - noon | Junior and senior students may bring donations
    • Wednesday, May 24 from 11 a.m. - noon | Freshman and sophomore students may bring donations
    • Thursday, May 25 from 11 a.m. - noon | All-students may bring donations

    This parent-run event will happen on Wednesday, June 14 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Stay tuned for more details to come in April!
    Join one of our DSHA Parent Associations | Parents are key members of the DSHA community and important partners in much of the work done through the school on behalf of each student. In addition to individual volunteer activities, these organizations provide opportunities for parents to meet and work together. The parent chairs of the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and the Parent Fine Arts Association invite you to become involved by supporting these organizations with your time and voluntary dues. Dues are $25 per association.
    NEW! Grandparent Liturgy | RSVP by Wednesday, April 19
    DSHA invites grandparents to join us for the annual Grandparent Liturgy on Wednesday, April 26. Grandparents will enjoy Mass followed by a continental breakfast with their granddaughter and the DSHA community. Parents—please extend this invitation to your parents! 
    RSVP no later than Wednesday, April 19.
    Click here to register for the DSHA Grandparent Liturgy by Wednesday, April 19. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    Sign Up to Volunteer Today | Volunteers hold a special place in the fabric of our community, and we invite you to join a fantastic team that truly makes a difference in the lives of our young women while you get to know other Dasher parents.

    Click here for a full list of volunteer opportunities and to sign up today. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.
    Community Theatre Works | Disney’s Descendants
    Auditions for Community Theatre Works’ (CTW) summer production of Disney’s Descendants will take place on Tuesday, June 6 for students in rising grades 5-8 and Wednesday, June 7 for students in rising grades 9-12. Adults may audition either day. Callbacks will be held Thursday, June 8 for all ages. Audition materials will be posted on the CTW website on Monday, May 1. All students in rising grades 9 - 12 will get a part in the show.
    Students in rising grades 9-12 must register for DSHA Summer Cool to audition. Registration for DSHA Summer Cool is now open!
    Rehearsals begin Monday, June 19 and run Monday through Friday from 12 - 4 p.m. for high school students and lead roles. Rehearsals will run from 1 - 4 p.m. for middle school students. There will be no rehearsal Monday, July 3 or Tuesday, July 4. Performances will be held Friday, July 14 - Sunday, July 16.
    Questions? Contact Director of Theatre, Choir, and Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler.
    COVID-19 Dashboard
    COVID-19 Dashboard
    Covid Information: Total Community Members (772)    
    2/6 - 2/19
    2/20 - 3/5
    3/6 - 3/19  
    Cumulative total for the school year  
    Close contacts due to exposure outside DSHA *    
    Close contacts due to exposure inside DSHA*   
    Positive cases traced to outside DSHA   
    Positive cases traced to inside DSHA   
     Current active positivity rate: 1/772 (0.13%) ** 
    *Number of individuals that were identified/reported as close contacts in this period.   
    **Positivity rate reflects the number of active positive cases divided by the total school community (students and staff=772) as of the date reported. 

    Community Health Measures | The health and safety of the DSHA community remains our priority. Our up-to-date COVID protocols can be found on the DSHA website under DSHA Community Health Measures. Any changes to the protocols during the school year will be communicated via the eNews. 

    Click here to view our full Community Health Measures | 2022-23. 

    NEW! Message from the School Nurse Patti Hughes
    • Testing Supplies | If you would like free rapid COVID tests, the State of Wisconsin has a program with an easy order process. If you are in need of a rapid test kit for home use, School Nurse Patti Hughes is available to help. Many insurance companies offer a number of test kits at no charge for subscribers and can typically be picked up at a local pharmacy. Ask your pharmacist for availability.
    • Emergency Funding to End | The COVID Public Health Emergency is ending Thursday, May 11. Due to this, federal emergency funding to support COVID programs will end. It does not mean that COVID has ended but that emergency funding has ended as the pandemic moves into endemic status. Testing, treatments, and vaccines will likely have a fee after this change.
    • Antivirals | If you have tested positive for COVID and would like to be evaluated for antiviral treatments, the Department of Health Services has been offering telehealth appointments with health clinicians. If eligible, a prescription will be ordered. To participate, the individual must be 18 and over and tested positive for COVID (home or lab test) regardless of insurance status. The individual must be able to take the antiviral treatments within 5 days of symptoms beginning. The individual will not be asked for proof of positive test.

    Click here for more information about antivirals. 

    School COVID Lab Closing | Friday, April 28
    The School COVID Lab will close indefinitely on Friday, April 28. Until then, the lab is open to students, household members, and staff.
    Click here to register for a test. 

    Questions? Contact School Nurse Patti Hughes.  

    NEW! Dasher Day of Giving | Wednesday, April 19

    Dasher Day of Giving is an opportunity for parents, alumnae, dedicated faculty and staff, and friends of the DSHA community, to join us and celebrate the school spirit we all have for DSHA. The 24-hour period raises critical dollars for the DSHA Annual Fund and helps us reach our goal of $1.08 million. Giving to the DSHA Annual Fund makes a difference in the education of every single young woman attending our school. 
    Last year, on Dasher Day of Giving, the DSHA community rallied in record numbers. This year, let’s show our community how Dashers work together and set a new record of generosity. We have set a goal of 350 donors, the most gifts in one day in DSHA giving day history!
    Want to be more involved? Join the #DasherDay2023 volunteer team! Whether in-person or virtually, giving day volunteers can have a big impact. Invite fellow families to give via text-a-thon, write thank you notes to donors, and generate a spirit of gratitude in partnership with other DSHA families. The best part? You can have a big impact by volunteering for 30 minutes or less.
    Click here to sign up to volunteer for Dasher Day of Giving. 

    Click here for more information about Dasher Day of Giving. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    NEW! Sarah Hegarty Loyalty & Caring Award | Submissions due by Friday, March 31
    DSHA has the privilege of annually honoring a current sophomore student with the Sarah Hegarty Loyalty & Caring Award. The award was created in 2014 to honor Mr. Rick Majerus, his values, and the impact he had on DSHA. In 2021, the award was renamed the Sarah Hegarty Loyalty and Caring Award to highlight the sisterhood developed between students at DSHA. 
    The award serves to recognize and perpetuate these values at DSHA and within the broader community. We invite you to nominate a current sophomore who demonstrates the values of loyalty and caring. 

    Click here for more information and to submit an online nomination. 
    NEW! Alumnae Service Scholarship Submission Extension | Applications due Friday, March 24
    The Alumnae Service Scholarship recognizes the tradition of service, a cornerstone of the DSHA community. One scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore or a junior who is enrolled for her 2023-2024 academic year. Consideration may be given to students who have financial need. Application information has been emailed to current sophomores and juniors. Hard copies can be picked up in Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore's office.
    NEW! Dashers Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship Submission Extension | Applications due Friday, March 24
    The Dashers Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship was established in 2022 to be awarded annually to one student who has demonstrated her commitment to advocate for the unborn and serve the needs of expecting mothers. This includes, but is not limited to, membership in the Respect Life co-curricular, participation in pro-life events facilitated by DSHA, and/or service opportunities promoting pro-life initiatives. Application information has been emailed to current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Hard copies can be picked up in Theology Faculty Mary Duffy's room.
    The scholarship is awarded to one student entering her sophomore, junior, or senior year, meets the criteria stated, submits a short essay reflecting on experiences as a pro-life advocate, shows her intention to further the pro-life mission at DSHA, and provides two letters of recommendation. A committee blindly reviews and selects the scholarship recipient based on that student’s merits.
    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    NEW! 2020 DSHA Graduate Wins National Championship
    Jadin O’Brien, DSHA '20, attends the University of Notre Dame and won the National Collegiate Athletic Association Indoor Pentathlon at the track and field indoor championships on Friday, March 10.
    O'Brien participated in basketball and track and field while attending DSHA and earned a Division 1 scholarship to compete in track and field at the University of Notre Dame. Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment!
    NEW! Upcoming Events | Come support the DSHA lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, and track and field teams this season.
    Click here to find event times and location. 

    Soccer Tryouts | Today, March 20 - Thursday, March 23
    Tryouts will be held at Hart Park, 7300 W Chestnut St, Wauwatosa, WI 53213. Varsity tryouts are from 4-5:30 p.m. and Junior Varsity 2 and Junior Varsity tryouts are from 5:30-7 p.m. All tryouts will be outside on the Hart Park turf field. Your daughter must attend all tryout days to be considered.
    Spring Sports Picture Day | Wednesday, March 29

    All spring sports pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 29 after school in the Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium. Each sport coach will provide information on how to order a team and/or individual photo.
    NEW! DSHA Basketball Great Metro Conference Honors | Congratulations to the following girls on receiving 2022-23 Greater Metro Conference Basketball All-Conference Honors and All-State Honors.   
    • Honorable Mention All-State & 1st Team All-Conference | Ally Timm, DSHA '24
    • Honorable Mention All-Conference | Ashley Jones, DSHA '23; Karinna Trotter, DSHA '25

    NEW! DSHA Ice Hockey All-Conference Honors | Congratulations to the following girls on receiving 2022-2023 Eastern Shores All-Conference Honors and All-State Honors.
    • 1st Team All-State & 1st Team All-Conference | Molly Jex, DSHA '24
    • 2nd Team All-State & 1st Team All-Conference | Charlotte Fetherson, DSHA '24

    NEW! DSHA Ski Team All-Conference Honors | Congratulations to the following girls on receiving 2022-2023 Midwest High School Ski Conference All-Conference Honors and National Team honors.
    • National Team Member & 1st Team All-Conference | Payton Bradford, DSHA ’24
    • National Team Member & 2nd Team All-Conference | Riley Doerr, DSHA ’26
    • Honorable Mention All-Conference | Mack Doerr, DSHA ‘23

    NEW! Faith Fridays for Spring Sports | The Faith Fridays with spring sports intentions will be as follows:  
    • Friday, March 31 | Lacrosse & Track and Field
    • Friday, May 5 | Soccer & Softball
    • Friday, May 12 |  Spring Rugby 

    Please encourage your daughter to attend Faith Friday on the designated day. She can wear her team spirit wear with her skirt at Mass. A group photo will be taken following the service.
    DSHA Summer Cool Sports Camps | The DSHA 2023 Summer Cool Sports Camps are open for registration. Camps fill up quickly so please register as soon as possible.
    Click here to register for 2023 DSHA Summer Cool. 

    2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame  | Nomination Submissions Due Monday, May 1
    Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame! The deadline for submission of nominations is Monday, May 1.  

    Click here to view the nomination criteria. 

    Click here to complete an online nomination. 

    Click here to download a nomination form to mail. 

    For general DSHA Athletics questions, Contact Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell or Athletic Director Peggy Seegers-Braun.
    Admissions Events | Do you know a Future Dasher? Please share the following!

    Open House | Sunday, April 23 

    Click here to register for Open House. 
    NEW! Yard Signs
    Help us spread the word by putting an Open House sign in your yard. Yard signs can be picked up at all school entrances. 
    Thank you for your help recruiting Future Dashers! 
    Click here to learn more about Open House. 

    2023 DSHA Summer Cool

    Registration is open for 2023 Summer Cool! From visual arts and STEM camps, to faith and athletics offerings, there is something for every girl in rising grades 1-9 at DSHA Summer Cool. Create and build a customizable schedule that works for your family!

    Visit to view the full brochure, camp schedules, camp descriptions, and other important information.

    We courage you to register now to reserve your camp spot! 

    Click here to register for 2023 DSHA Summer Cool. 

    Click here to view the 2023 Summer Cool brochure. 
    Questions? Contact Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore, DSHA '16 or Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10.
  • DSHA Parent eNews | May 22, 2023

  • DSHA Parent eNews | May 8, 2023

  • DSHA Parent eNews | March 6, 2023

    Parent eNews | Monday, March 6

    Dear DSHA Community,
    How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1
    This past week has been an opportunity for our students to gather in unity and engage in learning outside of our traditional classroom environments. 
    On Ash Wednesday, our All-School Mass included a send-off for our seniors who are currently serving at 51 different service sites throughout the Milwaukee area. The Sisters of the Divine Savior led a special blessing over our seniors before embarking on their two-week service immersion experience. On Friday, our faculty were able to visit seniors at their sites for the afternoon. We ask that you join us in prayer for these young women as they serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in the world at their sites this week.
    On Wednesday, our sophomores and juniors had the privilege of taking place in Carla Olle, HA '60, Career Day. This long-standing tradition at DSHA invites DSHA alumnae back to school to discuss their careers with current students. Students heard from keynote speaker Kristin Branch, DSHA '92, who serves as the Director of Marketing Leadership Institute at UW-Madison. Following this presentation, Dashers were able to meet in smaller groups with alumnae working in professions of interest to each student.
    Our freshmen had a unique opportunity this week as well—to gain practical and life-saving knowledge about how to be a Good Samaritan. One of the well-known lessons in the Bible is that of the Good Samaritan. This lesson of a passer-by helping a person in need is a great example of being the goodness and kindness of Jesus. Each year in our fitness classes, students are trained in CPR & AED, with the freshman class training this week. This training prepares our students to respond as the Good Samaritan. Students learned that Wisconsin's Good Samaritan law provides civil immunity to any person rendering emergency care at the scene of an accident or emergency. 
    This past week is full of examples of how our young women are learning to accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference in this world—whether through service to the community, their future careers, or others in need.
    God Bless, 
    Dan Quesnell
    Look for the NEW! label to view information new to this edition of the Parent eNews.
    2023-24 School Year Financial Aid Application | Submit by Friday, March 17
    The financial aid application for the 2023-24 school year is open. Families who are interested in need-based scholarships and financial aid for the 2023-24 school year are welcome to complete this application due by Friday, March 17. 2022 tax information is required.

    Click here to view the financial aid application instructions. 
    Questions? Contact Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10.
    NEW! Freshman/Sophomore Testing Day Information | Tuesday, March 7
    Tomorrow, DSHA will be administering the PreACT to the entire sophomore and freshman classes. It offers students experience with the ACT test items, provides a predicted score, and offers a wealth of information to help students prepare for college. There is no student fee associated with this test and DSHA will handle the registration for this test. This test must be taken in person. Students will fill in non-testing information the day of. There is no need to pre-register.
    On testing day, freshmen and sophomore students should expect the following:
    • Check-in and report to the DSHA Quad at 8:05 a.m.
    • Exams start promptly at 8:30 a.m. Once test booklets are distributed, a student can no longer participate in testing.
    • Your daughter should anticipate about 3.5 hours of testing, with an anticipated dismissal time of around noon.
    • Make sure to bring No. 2 pencils with good erasers, her student ID, a permitted calculator, snacks, drinks, and medications (if applicable).
    • Students may be out of uniform on testing day.
    • For students who commute via bus, there will be a bus commute available from UCC (Bruce Guadalupe) with the normal pick-up time. The bus will leave DSHA at 1:30 p.m. 

    NEW! Junior Testing Day Information | Tuesday, March 7
    Tomorrow,  DSHA will be administering the ACT + Writing Test to the entire junior class. This test must be taken in person. All students are pre-registered but must complete the MyACT information to ensure non-testing information is entered and to take advantage of obtaining four free test scores. Students will be given their MyACT information during their Theology classes this week. 
    On testing day, all junior students should expect the following:   
    • Arrival time is 7:50 a.m. with exams starting at 8:15 a.m. sharp. Once the test booklets are distributed, a student can no longer participate in testing.
    • Your daughter should anticipate four hours of testing, with an anticipated dismissal time of around 12:30 p.m.
    • Please make sure your daughter brings No. 2 pencils with good erasers, her student ID, a permitted calculator, snacks, drinks, and medications (if applicable).
    • Students may be out of uniform on testing day.
    • For students who commute via bus, there will be a bus commute available from UCC (Bruce Guadalupe) with a normal pick-up time. The bus will leave DSHA at 1:45 p.m.

    To opt your daughter out of testing, please contact Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02.
    NEW! STEM Scholars Program | New Applications due Wednesday, March 22
    If your daughter is interested in joining the STEM Scholars program for the 2023-24 school year, applications will be available beginning Wednesday, March 1. Application forms can be picked up from Specialized Studies Department Chair & Mathematics Faculty Connie Farrow in room 314. Applications must be completed and returned to room 314 by Wednesday, March 22. This information was communicated to students via Microsoft Teams and announcements.
    AP, ACT, and SAT Test Program | We have a very user-friendly FREE AP/ACT/SAT online prep program that is totally individualized. Once a student establishes a login, she can access the test prep site from anywhere, anytime. The site provides individualized feedback on every question and a student could fit this prep into her day, 10-15 minutes at a time. 
    For help accessing this program, have your daughter contact Librarian Christina Thiele.
    Questions? Contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.
    NEW! Lent | During Lent, we unite ourselves through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to better enter the experience of the pascal mystery. This year we will be focusing on supporting the organizations that the student body voted on as a part of our $10,000 Together challenge. Those organizations are the MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Best Buddies of WI, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
    As we continue through this reflective time in the liturgical season, we encourage your daughter to participate in the programs listed below. There are many opportunities for her to grow stronger in her faith this season. 
    NEW! Lenten Programming | Upcoming Events
    • Tosa Cares & Vision Screening Service Field Trips | Thursday, March 9
    • Faith Friday Mass | Friday, March 10
    • Walking Stations of the Cross & Lenten Small Groups | Monday, March 13
    • Lenten Small Groups & Vocare Welcome Back Assembly | Thursday, March 16
    • All-School St. Patrick’s Day Mass | Friday, March 17
    • Lenten Small Groups | Monday, March 20
    • Best Buddies Down Syndrome Awareness Day Kickball Game | Tuesday, March 21
    • All-School Reconciliation in Theology Classes | Thursday, March 23
    • No School | Friday, March 24
    • Sophomore Retreat #3 | Monday March 27 - Tuesday, March 28
    • Sophomore Retreat #4 | Tuesday, March 28 - Wednesday, March 29 
    • All-Day Eucharistic Adoration | Wednesday, March 29
    • Bingo Fundraiser | Thursday, March 30
    • Faith Friday & Soup with Substance | Friday, March 31
    • Lenten Small Groups | Monday, April 3
    • All-School Stations of the Cross | Wednesday, April 5 

    NEW! Walking Stations of the Cross | Monday, March 13 from 10:55-11:25 a.m.
    The Walking Stations of the Cross will start in the Mother of Our Savior Chapel. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience the way of the cross with both their feet and hearts. DSHA will be using the Salvatorians’ Way of the Cross, created by Brother Silas Henderson, SDS. If you would like a copy of this version, please contact Sister Grace Mary Croft.
    NEW! Vocare Welcome Back Assembly | Thursday, March 16 at 10:20 a.m.
    DSHA seniors are currently serving at 51 Vocare sites throughout the Milwaukee area and giving their gifts and talents to the community. 
    Last night, seniors reflected on their experiences so far, supported each other, and prayed as a class. On Thursday, March 16, they will share their reflections with the entire school community. Parents are invited to attend this reflection. Please contact Director of Salvatorian Service Dr. Katie Pickart, DSHA '84, for more information.
    Donations Needed for Bingo Fundraiser | Thursday, March 30
    We are still looking for small prizes for our Bingo fundraiser for our $10,000 Together challenge on Thursday, March 30. If you have fun items and are willing to donate to DSHA, please drop the items at the front office or send with your daughter to drop off at the Campus Ministry office. We are looking for the following items:
    • $5 Gift Cards
    • Unopened Make-Up
    • Specialty Products

    We will use the items as prizes and offer them as single prizes or group them to make small basket items. Any item or basket not chosen that day will be donated to the MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary. Feel free to contact Camps Ministry Administrative Assistant Tracy Richburg with questions or concerns.
    NEW! All-School Stations of the Cross | Wednesday, April 5 at 10:03 a.m.
    Wednesday, April 5 will NOT be a late start day to accommodate the All-School Stations of the Cross experience. Classes will begin at 7:50 a.m. as usual.
    Students will experience Jesus’ way of the cross through the eyes of his mother, Mary, on Wednesday, April 5. This will take place in the Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre. Parents are welcome to join but should check-in at the main office upon arrival.
    Please contact Theology Faculty & Campus Minister for Retreats Jena Thurow-Mountin for more information.
    Questions? Contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson.
    NEW! Youth Risk Behavior Survey | Thursday, March 30 - Friday, March 31
    DSHA students will be taking the online Youth Risk Behavior Survey at school during their Theology classes on Thursday, March 30 and Friday, March 31. This online survey is anonymous and was developed to monitor the health behaviors that contribute to social issues among youth and adults in the United States.
    These behaviors are often established during childhood and adolescence. Some behaviors include alcohol and other drug use, unhealthy dietary behaviors, and inadequate physical activity. Results from this survey are used to help determine programming within DSHA Student Services to best support our students. If you would like your daughter to opt-out of taking this survey, please contact Director of Student Services Maria Schram.
    NEW! Highly Selective Universities Admissions Program | Tuesday, March 28 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Marquette University High School, O'Rouke Performing Arts Hall
    Please join us as we welcome Director of Outreach and Communications at the University of Chicago College Admissions Office Katie Chaszczewski who will lead a conversation on "Understanding Admissions at Highly Selective Universities." You and your daughter can gain insights from a seasoned, respected professional and learn tips on putting her best foot forward in the process. The program will have information geared towards sophomore and junior families who are closer to the college application process, but all families are welcome to attend. 
    If you and your daughter are interested in attending, please fill out this RSVP form no later than Friday, March 24.
    College Fair Information and Registration | Wisconsin Education Fairs
    Wisconsin Education Fairs provide easy access to information about postsecondary options on a timely basis for all Wisconsin citizens, regardless of geographic location.
    The fair includes all UW state universities and centers, Wisconsin's independent colleges and universities, Wisconsin technical colleges, and many out-of-state institutions. In addition, many community colleges, trade schools, and national service organizations are represented. 

    Click here for fair dates and registration. 

    National Association for College Admission Counseling Virtual College Fairs
    The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is hosting virtual college fairs. Title IV eligible and accredited colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions and programs will be present. 
    International institutions that offer academic degrees or diplomas sanctioned by the country's Ministry of Higher Education or by a US accrediting association will also be in attendance.

    Click here for virtual fair dates and registration. 
    Individual Junior Meetings | Now through Thursday, April 27
    Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea will be meeting with each junior student to help start the college search and share information on the college application process here at DSHA. Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02is in the process of scheduling the meetings. Please contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea with further questions.  
    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea.
    NEW! Applied Wellness Experiences | All sophomores, juniors, and seniors have an Applied Wellness hour set in their schedule. Although we have minimal requirements each week, the purpose of this program is to allow students the opportunity to have a choice of as many breaks they feel they need each week. Experiences are offered during Applied Wellness hours, study hall, and Dasher times. Students should look ahead in the Applied Wellness application and filter ALL the hours that they are available so they can make the choice that works best for them each week.

    Experiences being offered in March include:
    • Registered Dietitian-led discussions
    • Mindfulness, neurographic art, phone detox series
    • Hands-only CPR/AED, jump rope, walks outside, and open fitness center
    • Student-led Lenten small groups, Bible study, Eucharistic Adoration
    • Charades, telestrations, Disney trivia, and other social games

    The purpose of the program is to foster decision-making skills, personal accountability, and follow through within the comforting walls of DSHA. The flexibility of the program is intentional. This program is as unique as our students, and they are the drivers of their engagement, mindful participation, and reflection. We are here to support them, offering opportunities to reflect and engage in discussions on lessons learned.
    Please encourage your daughter to play a role in her wellness choices by being engaged on the Applied Wellness application, reading the "Need to Know," and checking the Applied Wellness Microsoft Teams page weekly so she can make educated choices that work for her each week.
    Questions? Contact Applied Wellness Director Joanna McQuide, DSHA '93.
    NEW! Upcoming Dasher Dialogue Location Change | Friday, March 10
    On Friday, the Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will be hosting a Dasher Dialogue about eating disorder awareness. Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, the dialogue will be held in the Sisters of the Divine Savior's Fireside Lounge for added privacy.
    Optional Dasher Dialogues have been a part of the fabric of DSHA for the last seven years. Consistent with the DSHA mission to form young women who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference, Dasher Dialogues create a loving and caring space for conversations that can be uncomfortable. These conversations focus on the dignity of every Dasher while helping students understand their responsibility to act as disciples of Jesus Christ.
    NEW! Small Parent Meetings | Monday, March 20 at 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the DSHA Commons
    Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze will be meeting with parents who are raising African American students on Monday, March 20. Families can expect a personal email invitation to be sent within the next few weeks containing further details.
    Black History Month Collaborative Celebration | February Prayers & Reflections Re-Cap
    The Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council worked with the Sisters of Culture co-curricular to host Black History Month events at DSHA. There were several school-wide offerings for students, faculty, and staff to choose to participate in throughout the month, including an all-school prayer service. In addition, the Sisters of Culture co-curricular shared short prayers or reflections by or about faith leaders in the Black community during afternoon prayer each Monday for the month of February. Visit the DSHA Facebook and Instagram accounts to learn more.
    Questions? Contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze.
    NEW! Attendance Reminders | If your daughter is going to miss school for any reason, please call our Attendance Office at 414-721-2920 as soon as possible. If your daughter is marked absent from class, and we have not heard from you, she will be marked unexcused and given a slip to verify her absence. If her absence does not get verified, she may receive a Saturday detention.
    Uniform and Snack Donations | We are in high need of uniform donations. We are especially in need of polos and sweaters in all adult sizes. 
    Secondly, the Student Services Team is looking for snack donations that are given out to students in need. 
    Any snack or uniform donations can be dropped off at the DSHA Main Office.
    Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee | Spring Programing Available
    The Davis, Mary Ryan, and Pieper Hillside Boys and Girls Club locations are hosting spring programming every Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. until Saturday, May 20. Kids and teenagers ages 9 and above are welcome to attend. The programming includes a variety of sports, games, art projects, and more.

    Click here for more information about the program. 
    Boys & Girls Club Free Driver's Education Courses | Monday - Friday, 5 - 7 p.m. at The Ready Center
    The Boys & Girls Club is offering free driver's education courses to teenagers 15-17 years old at The Ready Center. Classes are limited to 20 participants and participants must be members of the Boys & Girls Club.
    Click here for registration information. 

    Questions? Contact Interim Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Kevin Hughes.

    DSHA Snow Closure Procedures | DSHA has policies and procedures in place to follow in the case of severe winter weather.

    Click here to see the DSHA snow closure procedures. 
    DSHA Class of 2023 Graduation Announcements | Click on the link below to purchase graduation announcements and photo cards.

    Click here to purchase items. 
    NEW! Trap Recap | Thank you to those who came out to support Trap! The PFAA's concession sales, 50/50 raffle, and silent auction helped raise funds that will go directly towards the DSHA Fine Arts programs.
    Parent Fine Arts Association Meeting | Tuesday, March 14 at 7 p.m. in the DSHA Board Room
    Future PFAA meetings include:

    ● Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m.
    ● Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m.
    ● Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m.
    Please join us for the next PFAA meeting and to learn more about what is happening in the Fine Arts at DSHA. Questions? Contact PFAA President Tracey Fricker.
    Parent Association Meeting | Tuesday, March 28 at 8:30 a.m. in the Sisters of the Divine Savior's Fireside Lounge
    Please join us for our next meeting! Questions? Contact Parent Association President Moe Tarantino.
    NEW! Save the Dates | Upcoming DSHA Fine Arts Events
    Please join us for one of the following upcoming concerts and events!
    • HandbellPalooza | Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m.
    • Instrumental Concert | Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m.
    • Angelaire and Choral Concert | Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m.
    • Fine Arts Awards Night | Wednesday, May 10 at 7 p.m.
    NEW! Dasher Resale | Wednesday, June 14 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

    If you are looking to buy or sell your daughter's used uniforms or textbooks, this is a great opportunity! Uniforms and textbook collections will happen during exam week.
    Juniors and seniors can plan to bring their donations to school on Wednesday, May 24. Freshmen and seniors can bring their donations on Thursday, May 25.
    This parent-run event happens annually in June. Stayed tuned for more details to come in April!
    Join one of our DSHA Parent Associations | Parents are key members of the DSHA community and important partners in much of the work done through the school on behalf of each student. In addition to individual volunteer activities, these organizations provide opportunities for parents to meet and work together. The parent chairs of the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and the Parent Fine Arts Association invite you to become involved by supporting these organizations with your time and voluntary dues. Dues are $25 per association.
    NEW! DSHA Auction | Ways to Get Involved & Support the Auction
    We’re so excited to see everyone on Saturday! If you can’t attend the DSHA Auction in person, there are still plenty of ways to support our school! Bid on our silent auction items, purchase DSHA Auction exclusive spirit wear, or donate champagne, sparkling wine, or prosecco to the bourbon and bubbles pull. Bourbon and pull donations can be dropped to the DSHA Main Office and are being accepted until Tuesday, March 7.
    Additionally, Golden Tickets are available for purchase by cash or check at the DSHA front office. Please ask for Director of Volunteer Engagement & Special Events Sarah Delaney, at the school front office. Tickets will also be sold at the auction on Saturday, March 11.
    Furthermore, if you're interested in live auction items or being a Stop-the-Auction proxy bidder, please contact Senior Director of Development Matt Johnson. Stop-the-Auction donations can also be made online here.
    Click here to bid on DSHA silent auction items. 

    Click here to learn more about purchasing a Golden Ticket. 

    Click here to purchase limited DSHA Auction exclusive spiritwear. 

    Click here to volunteer the day of the auction. 

    Click here for more information about the 2023 DSHA Auction. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.
    Grandparent Liturgy | Wednesday, April 26
    Save the date for the 2023 Grandparent Liturgy. Grandparents will be invited to accompany their granddaughters for Mass and a light breakfast at DSHA.
    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    Sign Up to Volunteer Today | Volunteers hold a special place in the fabric of our community, and we invite you to join a fantastic team that truly makes a difference in the lives of our young women while you get to know other Dasher parents.

    Click here for a full list of volunteer opportunities and to sign up today. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.
    Angelaires Auditions | Wednesday, March 15

    Auditions for next year's troupe will be held after school on Wednesday, March 15. The Angelaires are an auditioned show choir and the musical ambassadors of DSHA. The group performs jazz, pop, rock, Broadway, and contemporary acapella. They meet every day during 9th hour, 3:15-4 p.m., until completion of the spring concert in early May. Auditions are open to any rising sophomore, junior, or senior student.
    Director of Theatre, Choir, & Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler will host an audition workshop on Thursday, March 9 and Friday, March 10 during the school day for students looking for additional audition support.
    Worried about your daughter auditioning? Read the FAQ's below!
    • My daughter is in a sport. Can she do both? The Angelaires have students who are also athletes!
    • Can my daughter hold a job and participate in Angelaires? Most of this year’s Angelaires have jobs.
    • What if my daughter can't sing or dance? The Angelaires prioritize growth over perfection. Encourage your daughter to audition if interested and we’ll help her learn to be a better singer, dancer, and overall performer.

    Community Theatre Works | Disney’s Descendants
    Auditions for Community Theatre Works’ (CTW) summer production of Disney’s Descendents will take place on Tuesday, June 6 for students in rising grades 5-8 and Wednesday, June 7 for students in rising grades 9-12. Adults may audition either day. Callbacks will be held Thursday, June 8 for all ages. Audition materials will be posted on the CTW website on Monday, May 1.
    Students in rising grades 5-12 must register for DSHA Summer Cool to audition. Registration for DSHA Summer Cool is now open!
    Rehearsals begin Monday, June 19 and run Monday through Friday from 12 - 4 p.m. for high school students and lead roles. Rehearsals will run from and 1 - 4 p.m. for middle school students. There will be no rehearsal Monday, July 3 or Tuesday, July 4. Performances will be held Friday, July 14 - Sunday, July 16.
    Questions? Contact Director of Theatre, Choir, and Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler.
    COVID-19 Dashboard
    Covid Information: Total Community Members (772)    
    1/23 - 2/5 
    2/6 - 2/19
    2/20 - 3/5  
    Cumulative total for the school year  
    Close contacts due to exposure outside DSHA *    
    Close contacts due to exposure inside DSHA*   
    Positive cases traced to outside DSHA   
    Positive cases traced to inside DSHA   
     Current active positivity rate: 1/772 (0.13%) ** 
    *Number of individuals that were identified/reported as close contacts in this period.   
    **Positivity rate reflects the number of active positive cases divided by the total school community (students and staff=772) as of the date reported. 
    Community Health Measures | The health and safety of the DSHA community remains our priority. Our up-to-date COVID protocols can be found on the DSHA website under DSHA Community Health Measures. Any changes to the protocols during the school year will be communicated via the eNews.  

    Click here to view our full Community Health Measures | 2022-23

    School COVID Lab Closing | Friday, April 28
    The School COVID Lab will close indefinitely on Friday, April 28. Until then, the lab is open to students, household members, and staff.
    Click here to schedule a testing time slot. 
    NEW! Message from the School Nurse Patti Hughes
    • DSHA is exhibiting about 2-3 positive COVID cases per report period. There are more close contact reports this report period due to some off-campus social events. The symptoms of loss of taste and smell have been reported in newer cases. Otherwise, runny nose, sore throat, headache, fatigue, and body aches are the most frequently reported first symptoms. Several of the most recent positive cases have experienced stomach symptoms as well.
    • There has been an increase in stomach viruses reported durng this period. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, or stomachaches with fever and fatigue. 
    • Overall, reports of colds have reduced this past period. Sore throats, or sore throats with fever are still being reported. Currently, DSHA has no reported strep cases. 

    Questions? Contact School Nurse Patti Hughes.  
    Scholarship Opportunities | Thanks to generous and passionate donors, DSHA is able to offer both need-based scholarships/ financial aid AND a handful of merit-based scholarships. Eligibility for merit-based scholarships varies depending on the scholarship criteria which ranges from excellence in math and science to demonstrated leadership in and out of the classroom. The following require an application to be completed to be considered for the scholarship. All applications are due March 17 at 4 p.m. Recipients will be announced at the Underclasswomen Honors Assembly in May.
    • Mary Mross Public Policy Scholarship Information | Applications Due Friday, March 17
      DSHA will award one scholarship to a current sophomore or junior who demonstrates exemplary knowledge and passion for public policy. The award will be applied to her 2023-24 academic year tuition. Application information has been emailed to current sophomores and juniors. Hard copies can be picked up in Social Studies Faculty & Department Chair Patrick Dawson's room. A committee blindly reviews and selects the scholarship recipient based on that student’s merits. Note: Students who applied as sophomores are eligible to re-apply their junior year if they have not previously been awarded the scholarship.
    • Dashers Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship | Applications Due Friday, March 17
      The Dashers Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship was established in 2022 to be awarded annually to one student who has demonstrated her commitment to advocate for the unborn and serve the needs of expecting mothers. This includes, but is not limited to, membership in the Respect Life co-curricular, participation in pro-life events facilitated by DSHA, and/or service opportunities promoting pro-life initiatives. Application information has been emailed to current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. The scholarship is awarded to one student entering her sophomore, junior, or senior year, meets the criteria stated, submits a short essay reflecting on experiences as a pro-life advocate, shows her intention to further the pro-life mission at DSHA, and provides two letters of recommendation. A committee blindly reviews and selects the scholarship recipient based on that student’s merits.
    • Alumnae Service Scholarship | Applications Due Friday, March 17
      The Alumnae Service Scholarship recognizes the tradition of service, a cornerstone of the DSHA experience. One scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore or a junior who is enrolled for her 2023-2024 academic year. Consideration may be given to students who have financial need. Application information has been emailed to current sophomores and juniors.

    Mosaic Senior Gift Class Tradition
    The Mosaic senior class gift is an important DSHA tradition in educating our future alumnae on the importance of paying it forward. The dollars raised will go towards this year’s DSHA Annual Fund to help close the gap between tuition and the full DSHA experience. 
    The Mosaic Leadership Committee has been hard at work this year! The committee, made up of 10 current seniors, one junior, and one sophomore, have set a steep goal of 100% participation from the senior class by graduation. They spent the first semester learning fundraising best practices and planning different events to promote their efforts.
    A message to the class of 2023 from their kick-off event last month:
    “The mission of the Mosaic committee is to maintain the connection of the class of 2023 and thank DSHA for all they have done for us the past 4 years. Providing a community gift of love and gratitude to DSHA allows us to bond and provide legacy before graduation. On behalf of the Mosaic committee, we are looking for all 164 seniors to donate something back to DSHA before you leave. We recommend that each senior donates $20.23 in honor of our class, but any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! These donations go towards filling the gap between tuition and the full DSHA experience. The donations you make will allow future dashers to enjoy the same retreats you did, participate in co-curriculars, and so much more!” 
    ~ Meg Dorrington, DSHA ‘23, Mosaic Leadership Committee Member
    The next Mosaic event, "Pie" Day, is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14. Stay tuned for more details and follow Mosaic on Instagram @dsha_mosaic.
    Click here to learn more about the Mosaic program and follow their progress. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.

    NEW! DSHA Track and Field Information | If your daughter is interested in joining the 2023 DSHA Track and Field team, there is an informational pre-season meeting on Wednesday, March 8 in the DSHA Quad from 7 - 8 p.m. All are welcome to join!
    DSHA Spring Sports Information | Spring sports are just around the corner. If your daughter is interested in participating in lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, or track and field, please have her check with Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell in the Box Office to make sure she has filled out and turned in all of the athletic forms. If your daughter has already participated in a sport, she should be set to go. If spring is her first sport season, she may want to double-check.
    Tryouts and Start Dates for Spring Sports
    • Lacrosse Today – Friday, March 10 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the indoor Uihlein Soccer Park on Pat Jones field. To be considered, your daughter must attend all tryout days.
    • Track and FieldToday in the DSHA Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium from 5:30-7 p.m.
    • RugbyTuesday, March 14 in the DSHA Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium from 7:15-9 p.m.
    • Softball | Monday, March 13 - Wednesday, March 15. Tryouts will be broken into two groups this week. Group one, mostly freshmen and sophomores, will tryout from 3:05-4:35 p.m. Group two, mostly juniors and seniors, will tryout from 4:15-5:30 p.m. On Wednesday, March 15 all groups will tryout from 3:05-5 p.m. and team assignments will be completed from 5-5:30 p.m. Your daughter must attend all three days of tryouts or speak with Social Studies Faculty & Softball Head Coach Tom Montgomery.
    • SoccerMonday, March 20 - Thursday, March 23. Tryouts will be held at Hart Park, 7300 W Chestnut St, Wauwatosa, WI 53213. Varsity tryouts are from 4-5:30 p.m. and Junior Varsity 2 and Junior Varsity tryouts are from 5:30-7 p.m. All tryouts will be outside on the Hart Park turf field. Your daughter must attend all tryout days to be considered.

    Spring Sports Picture Day | Wednesday, March 29

    All spring sports pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 29 after school in the Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium. Each sport coach will provide information on how to order a team and/or individual photo.
    NEW! DSHA Varsity Ski Team State Champions | Monday, February 20
    Special congratulations to the DSHA Varsity Ski team who finished in first place at the Wisconsin Alpine Racing Association State Championship. This is the team's fourth state championship in the last six years. The team finished 2nd overall in the Slalom, 5th overall in the Grand Slalom, and 1st overall in the Super Giant Slalom (Super-G Race) to bring home the trophy!
    Payton Bradford, DSHA ’24; Riley Doerr, DSHA ’26; Mack Doerr, DSHA ’23; Piper Dupies, DSHA ’23; Joan Barry, DSHA ’23; Emily Peterson, DSHA ’26; and Anne Klaus, DSHA ’25, represented the team at the competition. A special congratulations to the following Dashers:
    • Payton Bradford, DSHA '24 | Bradford placed second overall as an individual and qualified for nationals. She also placed second in the individual Slalom, placed 3rd in the individual Giant Slalom, and placed fifth in the Super-G Race.
    • Riley Doerr, DSHA '26 | Doerr placed ninth in the individual Slalom and 9th overall in the individual Super-G Race.

    In addition, the DSHA Junior Varsity Ski team placed 2nd at the Midwest High School Ski Conference Championship on Thursday, February 23 at Sunburst.
    NEW! Ice Hockey Sectional Runner-Up | On Tuesday, February 21 the DSHA Co-Op Varsity Ice Hockey team defeated the Fond du Lac Warbirds 2-0 in the WIAA Sectional semi-final game in Fond du Lac! Eileen Carey, DSHA '23, scored the game winning goal in the second period with an assist from Charlotte Fetherston, DSHA '24. Goalie Molly Jex, DSHA '24, secured all 24 saves in the shutout victory!
    On Saturday, February 24 the team fell to Bay Area with a score of 3-1 in the WIAA Sectional Championship. Charlotte Fetherston, DSHA '24, scored the lone goal for the team. The team finished the season with a 20-6-1 overall record. Congratulations on a fantastic season! 
    NEW! DSHA Varsity Basketball Regional Champions | Friday, February 24
    The DSHA Varsity Basketball team hosted the WIAA Regional semi-final game on Friday, February 24 and defeated DePere 44-42 in an exciting game. The team moved on to the WIAA Regional Championship on Saturday, February 25 and took on #4 seeded Hartford at Hartford. They defeated Hartford 74-64 to claim their fifth straight WIAA Regional Championship!
    On March 2, the team fell to #1 seed Germantown. Special thanks to Helena Cesarz, DSHA '23; Kelly Coury, DSHA '23; Meg Dorrington, DSHA '23; and Ashley Jones, DSHA '23, as well as senior managers Caitlin Organ, DSHA '23, and Grace Pawlowski, DSHA '23. DSHA is grateful for their dedication and hard work over the past four years! 
    NEW! DSHA Varsity Ski Team Gives Back | The  DSHA Varsity Ski team hosted a winter hat and mitten drive from Monday, February 13 - Friday, March 3. The proceeds went to Warm Hands, Warm Hearts, a non-profit organization that donates new hats and mittens for adults and children in need.

    Thank you to the DSHA Varsity Ski team for serving this important cause!
    DSHA Summer Cool Sports Camps | The DSHA 2023 Summer Cool Sports Camps are open for registration. Camps fill up quickly so please register as soon as possible.
    Click here to register for 2023 DSHA Summer Cool. 

    2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame  | Nomination Submissions Due Monday, May 1
    Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 DSHA Athletic Hall of Fame! The deadline for submission of nominations is Monday, May 1.  

    Click here to view the nomination criteria. 

    Click here to complete an online nomination. 

    Click here to download a nomination form to mail. 

    For general DSHA Athletics questions, Contact Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell or Athletic Director Peggy Seegers-Braun.
    Admissions Events | Do you know a Future Dasher? Please share the following!
    5th-7th Grade Open House | Sunday, April 23 

    Click here to learn more about DSHA Open House.

    NEW! 2023 DSHA Summer Cool 

    Registration has started for the 2023 Summer Cool! From visual arts and STEM camps, to faith and athletics offerings, there is something for every girl in rising grades 1-9 at DSHA Summer Cool. Create and build a customizable schedule that works for your family!

    Visit to view the full brochure, camp schedules, camp descriptions, and other important information.
    We encourage you to register early to reserve your camp spot!
    Click here to register for 2023 DSHA Summer Cool. 

    Click here to view the 2023 Summer Cool brochure. 

    Questions? Contact Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore, DSHA '16 or Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10.
  • DSHA Parent eNews | February 20, 2023

    Dear DSHA Community,
    How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity!- Psalm 133:1
    On Ash Wednesday in 2009, I was at DSHA for an all-day interview as an applicant for the principal position. As I discerned this amazing opportunity, I was moved by the invitation to share in the Ash Wednesday liturgy with the DSHA community. Every time we gather for Mass or any form of prayer, it is a grace given to us by God.
    On that day in 2009, I also learned how DSHA lives out its Catholic faith by building community during the Lenten season. Now, fifteen years later, DSHA continues to observe Lent in special ways. Besides Ash Wednesday Mass, we will gather for our Lenten kick-off assembly, walking Stations of the Cross, the Vocare welcome back assembly, our St. Patrick’s Day Liturgy, and more. Additionally, all students and staff will have the opportunity to participate in Eucharistic Adoration and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A full list of Lenten activities can be found under the Campus Ministry section.
    John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This passage unites us during the season of Lent because it reminds us that we are all loved by God. The DSHA Lenten observance gives witness to His love.
    God Bless, 
    Dan Quesnell

    Look for the NEW! label to view information new to this edition of the Parent eNews.
    2023-24 School Year Financial Aid Application | Submit by Friday, March 17
    The financial aid application for the 2023-24 school year is open. Families who are interested in need-based scholarships and financial aid for the 2023-24 school year are welcome to complete this application due by Friday, March 17. 2022 tax information is required.

    Click here to view the financial aid application instructions.

    Questions? Contact Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA '10.
    NEW! Parent-Teacher Conferences | Tuesday, March 7 via Zoom
    Conference sign-ups are now open! Log in to your myDSHA account and click on the resources tab at the top. Find the tile Spring 2023-Parent Teacher Conferences and schedule an appropriate time.
    Please keep in mind that spring conferences follow the same format as the fall conferences and will happen via Zoom and are five minutes in length.
    Freshman/Sophomore/Junior Testing Day | Tuesday, March 7
    • Freshmen and Sophomores | DSHA will be administering the PreACT to the entire sophomore and freshman classes. It offers students experience with the ACT test items, provides a predicted score, and offers a wealth of information to help students prepare for college. There is no student fee associated with this test and DSHA will handle the registration for this test.
    • Juniors | DSHA will be administering the ACT + Writing Test to the entire junior class. Families will be billed $52 per student via Smart Tuition. Students who participate in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program will have the testing fee covered by the state of Wisconsin. DSHA will handle the registration for this test.

    If you are opting your daughter out of testing or have additional questions, please contact Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02.
    NEW! MyACT | Starting this week, all junior students will use MyACT to complete their non-test demographic and interested inventory information. The non-test information completed can provide several benefits to students including: 
    • Career counseling
    • Identifying data gaps
    • College and career planning
    • Interest-major fit information
    • Sending scores to up to four (4) colleges for free 

    When students create a new MyACT account, they will be sent a verification code via email or text. Students will be expected to complete the information on their own before the deadline. Students will be notified of the deadline and when the sign-up window opens.
    Families may be contacted by Revolution Prep as they work in collaboration with DSHA regarding test readiness, resources, and test preparation for the ACT. This is something families may consider if a student would like extra support before the actual test date.
    AP, ACT, and SAT Test Program | We have a very user-friendly FREE AP/ACT/SAT online prep program that is totally individualized. Once a student establishes a login, she can access the test prep site from anywhere, anytime. The site provides individualized feedback on every question and a student could fit this prep into her day, 10-15 minutes at a time. 
    For help accessing this program, have your daughter contact Librarian Christina Thiele.
    Questions? Contact Academic Dean Dr. Heather Mansfield.

    NEW! Lent | During Lent, we unite ourselves through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to better enter the experience of the pascal mystery. This year we will be focusing on supporting the organizations that the student body voted on as a part of our $10,000 Together challenge. Those organizations are the MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Best Buddies of WI, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
    Lent at DSHA will kick-off with our all-school Lent Assembly on Tuesday, February 21. As we begin this reflective time in the liturgical season, we encourage your daughter to participate in the programs listed below. There are many opportunities for her to grow stronger in her faith this season. 

    • Every Lunch Period throughout Lent | Campus Ministry Office | Encourage your daughter to fast from her phone with this offering! Fast from certain applications, substitute a positive behavior, etc. Campus Ministry will be hosting phone-free lunches all Lent with games and other fun activities.
    • Every Monday During Early Dasher Time | Lent Small Groups | Small Groups consist of freshmen and sophomore students who meet once a week with junior student leaders to prayer with scripture and then walk together. Your daughter can make some new friends, grow closer to God, and then head down for lunch when the bell rings for late Dasher.
    • Thursday, February 23 | Beats & Eats in the DSHA Commons | Live music and food in the DSHA Commons sponsored by the Sisters of Culture co-curricular. Proceeds benefit Pearls for Teen Girls.
    • Wednesday, February 22 | “Fasting in Different Religions” in the Sisters of the Divine Savior’s Fireside Lounge | This program combines a simple lunch with a simple message. Encourage your daughter to step away from the busy lunch room, enjoy some soup, and learn of various fasting practices.
    • Friday, February 24 | Walking Stations of the Cross | To participate, your daughter can meet at the Mother of Our Savior Chapel at the beginning of Faith Friday time. Groups of 30 will walk the way of the cross throughout the school building.
    • Thursday, March 9 | Tosa Cares Field Trip | Have your daughter sign-up on the Applied Wellness application if she is interested in delivering bags to the Tosa Cares Food Pantry during her co-curricular/Dasher time.
    • Tuesday, March 21 | Kickball in the Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium | Have your daughter help raise money for Best Buddies, WI by playing kickball on Down Syndrome Awareness Day.
    • Thursday, March 23 | All-School Reconciliation | Your daughter has the option to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, offered all day, during her theology class.
    • Wednesday, March 29 | Adoration | To participate, your daughter can sign-up for quiet time with Jesus through the Applied Wellness Program application. She has the option to stay for 15 minutes or a whole class hour.
    • Thursday, March 30| Bingo in the DSHA Commons | Have your daughter spend her lunch playing bingo for a good cause. Cards are $1 and there will be LOTS of prizes. Proceeds of this event benefit the $10,000 Together challenge.
    • Friday, March 31 | “Kinship Over Community” in the Sisters of the Divine Savior’s Fireside Lounge | This program combines a simple lunch with a simple message. Encourage your daughter to step away from the busy lunchroom, eat some soup, and learn with her classmates.
    • Wednesday, April 5 during co-curricular time | All-School Stations of the Cross | Your daughter will experience the Stations of the Cross through the eyes of Mary.
    • Labyrinth | Bible Study |  Holy Week Craft in Wellness
    Ash Wednesday Schedule Reminder | Wednesday, February 22 | Regular Start Time
    Wednesday, February 22 will NOT be a late start day due to the All-School Ash Wednesday Mass and Vocare blessing. Please remember to send your daughters at the regular start time that day.
    NEW! Freshman and Sophomore Small Lent Groups | Sign-ups end at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21
    Parents of freshman and sophomore Dashers—Lent is a great time for your daughter to get involved in Campus Ministry. Throughout the Lenten season, underclasswomen are invited to participate in Lent small groups with the guidance and leadership of two junior students. The groups meet every Monday and give your daughter the opportunity to pray, get to know her classmates, and have some fun together. 
    Sign-ups can be found on your daughter's Microsoft Teams class page. Sign-ups end on Tuesday, February 21 at 3 p.m. Contact Theology Faculty & Campus Minister for Retreats Jena Thurow-Mountin for more information.  
    NEW! Donations Needed for Bingo Fundraiser | Thursday, March 30
    We are looking for small prizes for our Bingo fundraiser for our $10,000 Together challenge on Thursday, March 30. If you have fun items and are willing to donate to DSHA, please drop the items at the front office or send with your daughter to drop off at the Campus Ministry office. We are looking for the following items:
    • $5 Gift Cards
    • Unopened Make-Up
    • Specialty Products

    We will use the items as prizes and offer them as single prizes or group them to make small basket items. Any item or basket not chosen that day will be donated to the MacCannon Brown Homeless Sanctuary. Feel free to contact Camps Ministry Administrative Assistant Tracy Richburg with questions or concerns.
    Vocare | Monday, February 27 – Friday, March 10

    Vocare, Latin for "to draw forth or to call," is the capstone of each student’s four years of service. Each DSHA senior serves for two full weeks in the greater Milwaukee community. By working alongside the elderly, children, or those with special needs, each senior experiences firsthand many of the critical issues facing our society and gains a deeper understanding of how she can utilize her God-given gifts and talents in service to others.
    Vocare helps integrate the true meaning of what it means to be a Dasher – believer, self-advocate, critical thinker, communicator, and leader. Senior parents are invited to join us for the prayer services surrounding Vocare. Please check your email for more information.

    165 seniors will serve at 51 different sites throughout the two weeks. Please join us in praying for our seniors!
    Questions? Contact Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Monson.
    Marquette University High School My Ascension Documentary Film Viewing | Tuesday, February 21 from 6 - 8 p.m.
    MUHS will show the documentary film, My Ascension, meant to spread hope and fight against suicide. There will be a Q & A session following the film. Due to the sensitive nature of the film content, high school students should be accompanied by an adult. The film will be shown in the MUHS O'Rourke Performing Arts Hall.

    Click here for more information about the documentary film.
    Questions? Contact Director of Student Services Maria Schram.
    NEW! Carla Olle, HA '60, Career Day | Thursday, March 2 from 7:50 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
    During career day, DSHA sophomore and junior students will experience a day filled with career exploration. The day will begin with keynote speaker Kristin Branch, DSHA '92, who currently serves as the Director of the Marketing Leadership Institute at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Following the speaker, the girls will attend four career presentations aligning with careers they selected through a survey. The day will end with a resume building workshop and learning networking strategies.
    Attendance is mandatory for all sophomore and junior girls. Freshmen will have no classes on this day and seniors will be on Vocare.
    NEW! Summer Pre-College Programs
    Many colleges offer pre-college summer programs for high school students. The summer programs are all about learning through experience, receiving college credit, exposure to a major of study, networking, gaining a sense of independence, and learning about oneself. Please note, attending a summer pre-college program at a college will not boost your daughters chances of admission to that specific university or college.

    Click here for a list of pre-college summer programs. 
    College Fair Information and Registration | Wisconsin Education Fairs
    Wisconsin Education Fairs provide easy access to information about postsecondary options on a timely basis for all Wisconsin citizens, regardless of geographic location.
    The fair includes all UW state universities and centers, Wisconsin's independent colleges and universities, Wisconsin technical colleges, and many out-of-state institutions. In addition, many community colleges, trade schools, and the national service organizations are represented.

    Click here for fair dates and registration. 
    National Association for College Admission Counseling Virtual College Fairs
    The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is hosting virtual college fairs. Title IV eligible and accredited colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions and programs will be present. 
    International institutions that offer academic degrees or diplomas sanctioned by the country's Ministry of Higher Education or by a US accrediting association will also be in attendance.

    Click here for virtual fair dates and registration. 
    Individual Junior Meetings | Now through Thursday, April 27
    Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea will be meeting with each junior student to help start the college search and share information on the college application process here at DSHA. Testing Coordinator/College Assistant Katie Hoffmann, DSHA '02, is in the process of scheduling the meetings. Please contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea with further questions.  
    Questions? Contact Director of College Counseling Kristin Shea.
    Black History Month Collaborative Celebration | Month of February
    The Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council is working with the Sisters of Culture co-curricular to host Black History Month events at DSHA. There are several school-wide offerings for students, faculty, and staff to choose to participate in throughout the month including:
    • Thursday, February 9 | Black History Month Read-In hosted by the DSHA English Department.
    • Friday, February 10 | All-school prayer service organized by the Sister of Culture co-curricular which included a worship dance and song.
    • Thursday, February 23 | "Beats and Eats" food fair hosted by the Sisters of Culture co-curricular with special guest and DSHA current parent DJ Anthony (A-BIZ) Foster from HYFIN
    • Friday, February 24 | Optional Dasher Dialogue on Black History Month organized by the DSHA Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council

    In addition, the Sisters of Culture co-curricular are sharing short prayers or reflections by faith leaders in the Black community during afternoon prayer each Monday for the remainder of February.
    NEW! Civil Rights Pilgrimage | Wednesday, March 22 through Saturday, March 25
    On Monday, February 13, students who will attend the Civil Rights Pilgrimage met to prepare for the trip. The Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C., led by Theology Department Chair Lisa Metz, will take place from Wednesday, March 22 - Saturday. March 25. This pilgrimage offers sophomores, juniors, and seniors the opportunity to “pray with their feet” as they learn, reflect, and share about racial justice and civil rights within our country and through the lens of our Catholic faith.
    Questions? Contact Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cynthia Blaze.
    Winter Formal Dance | Saturday, February 25 from 7 - 10 p.m.
    The Winter Formal Dance, open to juniors and seniors, is on Saturday, February 25 from 7- 10 p.m. The doors will lock at 8 p.m. and will reopen at 9:30 p.m. Permission slip forms can be found on your daughter's myDSHA account from Friday, February 10 through Friday, February 24 at 3 p.m.
    Tickets are $10 per person and $20 for a couple. Be sure your daughter brings her high school ID to the dance. Contact Mathematics & Specialized Studies Faculty Libby Wissing, DSHA '10, or Mathematics Faculty Rissie Lundberg for questions.
    Important Dates for 2023-24
    • Thursday, August 17, 2023 | Check-In Day
    • Friday, August 18, 2023 | Freshmen Orientation
    • Monday, August 21, 2023 | First Traditional Day of School
    • Tuesday, December 19 - Friday, December 22, 2023 | Semester Exams
    • Saturday, December 23, 2023 - Wednesday, January 3, 2024 | Christmas Vacation
    • Tuesday, March 28, 2024 - Sunday, April 7, 2024 | Easter Vacation
    • Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - Friday, May 24, 2024 | Semester Exams
    • Friday, May 24, 2024 | Graduation

    NEW! Uniform and Snack Donations | We are in high need of uniform donations. More than ever, we are accepting donations of used uniforms and are especially in need of polos and sweaters in all adult sizes. 
    Secondly, the Student Services Team is looking for snack donations that are given out to students in need. 
    Any snack or uniform donations can be dropped off at the DSHA Main Office.
    NEW! Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee | Spring Programing Available
    The Davis, Mary Ryan, and Pieper Hillside Boys and Girls Club locations are hosting spring programming every Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. until Saturday, May 20. Kids and teenagers ages 9 and above are welcome to attend. The programming includes a variety of sports, games, art projects, and more. 

    Click here for more information about the program. 

    NEW! Boys & Girls Club Free Driver's Education Courses | Monday - Friday, 5 - 7 p.m. at The Ready Center
    The Boys & Girls Club is offering free driver's education courses to teenagers 15-17 years old at The Ready Center. Classes are limited to 20 participants and participants must be members of the Boys & Girls Club.

    Click here for registration information. 
    Questions? Contact Interim Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Kevin Hughes.
    DSHA Snow Closure Procedures | DSHA has policies and procedures in place to follow in the case of severe winter weather.

    Click here to see the DSHA snow closure procedures. 
    DSHA Class of 2023 Graduation Announcements | Click on the link below to purchase graduation announcements and photo cards.

    Click here to purchase items. 
    Spring Parent Education Series | Tuesday, February 28
    The spring semester has one remaining education series topic on coping skills to support mental health challenges with teenagers Tuesday, February 28. Please join us!

    Click here for more information. 
    Parent Fine Arts Association Meeting | Tuesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. in the DSHA Board Room
    Future PFAA meetings include:

    ● Tuesday, March 14 at 7 p.m.
    ● Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m.
    ● Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m.
    ● Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m.
    Please join us for the next PFAA meeting and to learn more about what is happening in the Fine Arts at DSHA. Questions? Contact PFAA President Tracey Fricker. 

    Click here for more information. 
    Parent Fine Arts Association Summer Scholarships | Applications due by Tuesday, February 28 at 11:59 p.m.
    The Summer Scholarship applications will close on Tuesday, February 28 at 11:59 p.m. If you are a member of the PFAA, your daughter is eligible to apply for the scholarship to help offset the cost of summer camps, lessons, classes, or materials that further her development in the Fine Arts. Applications are available on your daughter's myDSHA account. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible.
    Fine Arts Woman of the Year Applications | Submissions Due Tuesday, February 28
    Fine Arts Woman of the Year applications will close at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28. Only seniors are eligible for this award and the $1,500 scholarship. Applications are available on seniors' myDSHA accounts.
    Parent Association Looking for Breakfast Donations | Wednesday, March 1
    The Parent Association is looking for volunteers to donate breakfast items for a grab and go breakfast for TSC (faculty and staff) the morning of Wednesday, March 1. Donations can be dropped off at the DSHA front office.
    Parent Association Meeting | Tuesday, March 28 at 8:30 a.m. in the Sisters of the Divine Savior's Fireside Lounge
    Please join us for our next meeting! Questions? Contact Parent Association President Moe Tarantino.
    Join one of our DSHA Parent Associations | Parents are key members of the DSHA community and important partners in much of the work done through the school on behalf of each student. In addition to individual volunteer activities, these organizations provide opportunities for parents to meet and work together. The parent chairs of the Parent Association, the Parent Athletic Association, and the Parent Fine Arts Association invite you to become involved by supporting these organizations with your time and voluntary dues. Dues are $25 per association.
    DSHA Auction | Registration for the DSHA Auction ends on Tuesday, March 1!
    Just over ONE WEEK left to purchase your tickets to the 2023 DSHA Auction! Join us for a "pearly" party at the Pritzlaff to help us further the mission of DSHA. Ticket sales end on Tuesday, March 1.
    A few important reminders for March 11:
    • Table capacity is 10.
    • Valet will be available for all attendees. You can pull up to 333 N Plankinton Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203.
    • The theme is Pearls of Wisdom, so feel free to work that into your cocktail attire for the evening. (We'll also have some beautiful pearl jewelry to bid on in the silent auction!)
    • Registration, open bar, silent auction, the giftcard wall, and the bourbon & bubbles pull will all open promptly at 5 p.m.

    Last minute donation items should be dropped off at DSHA by Friday, February 24 at DSHA to Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney. Giftcards, and bourbon & bubbles (champagne, sparkling wine, prosecco) donations can be dropped off at DSHA through Tuesday, March 7. 
    A huge thank you to everyone who has donated items(s) to our auction this year! We can't wait to showcase all of the awesome packages which will continuously be uploaded to the
    Givesmart bidding site. Items will be up for bid starting Monday, March 6. 

    Click here to purchase a ticket by Wednesday, March 1. 

    Click here to become a family or corporate sponsor. 

    Click here to donate an item to the live or silent auction. 

    Click here for more information about the 2023 DSHA Auction. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.
    Grandparent Liturgy | Wednesday, April 26
    Save the date for the 2023 Grandparent Liturgy. Grandparents will be invited to accompany their granddaughters for Mass and a light breakfast at DSHA.
    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.
    Sign Up to Volunteer Today | Volunteers hold a special place in the fabric of our community, and we invite you to join a fantastic team that truly makes a difference in the lives of our young women while you get to know other Dasher parents.

    Click here for a full list of volunteer opportunities and to sign up today.

    Questions? Contact Director of Volunteer Engagement and Special Events Sarah Delaney.
    Tickets Available for Trap | March 2 - 5
    Did you guess the secret? Did you tell the secret? The cat’s out of the bag—the official name of DSHA Theatre’s winter play is Trap! Tickets for Trap are on sale now!
    In this documentary-style drama, using interviews with witnesses, loved ones, first responders, and the investigators pursuing the case, the cast and crew will bring to life the story of a strange, past event in the theatre where everyone in the audience fell unconscious — every person but one.
    You won't want to miss this show! Note for parents of young children: Parent guidance is suggested as some scenes may be scary for young children. We estimate the show to be rated PG.

    Click here to purchase your tickets. 

    NEW! Angelaires Audition | Wednesday, March 15
    Auditions for next year's troupe will be held after school on Wednesday, March 15. The Angelaires are an auditioned show choir and the musical ambassadors of DSHA. The group performs jazz, pop, rock, Broadway, and contemporary acapella. They meet every day during 9th hour, 3:15-4 p.m., until completion of the spring concert in earl May. Auditions are open to any rising sophomore, junior, or senior student.
    Director of Theater, Choir, & Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler will host an informational meeting during co-curricular time on Thursday, February 23 with this year’s Angelaires officers. Director of Theater, Choir, & Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler will also host an audition workshop on Thursday, March 9 and Friday, March 10 during the school day for students looking for additional audition support.
    Worried about your daughter auditioning? Read the FAQ's below!
    • My daughter is in a sport. Can she do both? The Angelaires have students who are also athletes!
    • Can my daughter hold a job and participate in Angelaires? Most of this year’s Angelaires have jobs.
    • What if my daughter can't sing or dance? The Angelaires prioritize growth over perfection. Encourage your daughter to audition if interested and we’ll help her learn to be a better singer, dancer, and overall performer.

    Community Theatre Works’ Disney’s Descendants
    Auditions for Community Theatre Works’ (CTW) summer production of Disney’s Descendants will take place on Tuesday, June 6 for students in rising grades 5-8 and Wednesday, June 7 for students in rising grades 9-12. Adults may audition either day. Callbacks will be held Thursday, June 8 for all ages. Audition materials will be posted on the CTW website on Monday, May 1.
    Students in rising grades 5-12 must register for DSHA Summer Cool to audition. Registration for DSHA Summer Cool is now open!
    Rehearsals begin Monday, June 19 and run Monday through Friday from 12 - 4 p.m. for high school students and lead roles. Rehearsals will run from and 1 - 4 p.m. for middle school students. There will be no rehearsal Monday, July 3 or Tuesday, July 4. Performances will be held Friday, July 14 - Sunday, July 16.
    Questions? Contact Director of Theatre, Choir, and Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler.
    COVID-19 Dashboard
    Covid Information: Total Community Members (772)    
    1/9 - 22 
    1/23 - 2/5
    2/5 - 3/19  
    Cumulative total for the school year  
    Close contacts due to exposure outside DSHA *    
    Close contacts due to exposure inside DSHA*   
    Positive cases traced to outside DSHA   
    Positive cases traced to inside DSHA   
     Current active positivity rate: 0/772 (0.00%) ** 
    *Number of individuals that were identified/reported as close contacts in this period.   
    **Positivity rate reflects the number of active positive cases divided by the total school community (students and staff=772) as of the date reported. 
    Community Health Measures | The health and safety of the DSHA community remains our priority. Our up-to-date COVID protocols can be found on the DSHA website under DSHA Community Health Measures. Any changes to the protocols during the school year will be communicated via the eNews.  

    Click here to view our full Community Health Measures | 2022-23

    School COVID Lab Closing | Friday, April 28
    The School COVID Lab will close indefinitely on Friday, April 28. Until then, the lab is open to students, household members, and staff.

    Click here to schedule a testing time slot. 
    NEW! Message from the School Nurse Patti Hughes
    The majority of COVID positive students have reported cold symptoms but few of the recent cases have also reported an upset stomach along with cold symptoms as their early presentation. 
    During this reporting period we have also had an increase in colds and stomach viruses. There is public health guidance for returning to school after illness including:
    • A student with a fever of 100 or higher needs to wait 24 hours after the fever has broken and without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school.
    • A student who has vomited needs to wait 24 hours before returning to school.
    • A student who has had 3 or more bouts of diarrhea in a day needs to wait 24 hours before returning to school.
    • The DSHA Community Health protocol asks for the student to test negative for COVID if their symptoms are consistent with potential COVID. Results are to be submitted to the school nurse. If you are in need of a home COVID test, please contact School Nurse Patti Hughes.

    Questions? Contact School Nurse Patti Hughes.  
    NEW! Mosaic Senior Gift Class Tradition
    The Mosaic senior class gift is an important DSHA tradition in educating our future alumnae on the importance of paying it forward. The dollars raised will go towards this year’s DSHA Annual Fund to help close the gap between tuition and the full DSHA experience. 
    The Mosaic Leadership Committee has been hard at work this year! The committee, made up of 10 current seniors, one junior, and one sophomore, have set a steep goal of 100% participation from the senior class by graduation. They spent the first semester learning fundraising best practices and planning different events to promote their efforts.
    A message to the class of 2023 from their kick-off event last month:
    “The mission of the Mosaic committee is to maintain the connection of the class of 2023 and thank DSHA for all they have done for us the past 4 years. Providing a community gift of love and gratitude to DSHA allows us to bond and provide legacy before graduation. On behalf of the Mosaic committee, we are looking for all 164 seniors to donate something back to DSHA before you leave. We recommend that each senior donates $20.23 in honor of our class, but any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! These donations go towards filling the gap between tuition and the full DSHA experience. The donations you make will allow future dashers to enjoy the same retreats you did, participate in co-curriculars, and so much more!” 
    ~ Meg Dorrington, DSHA ‘23, Mosaic Leadership Committee Member
    The next Mosaic event, "Pie" Day, is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14. Stay tuned for more details and follow Mosaic on Instagram @dsha_mosaic.
    Click here to learn more about the Mosaic program and follow their progress. 

    NEW! Scholarship Opportunities | Thanks to generous and passionate donors, DSHA is able to offer both need-based scholarships/ financial aid AND a handful of merit-based scholarships. Eligibility for merit-based scholarships varies depending on the scholarship criteria which ranges from excellence in math and science to demonstrated leadership in and out of the classroom. The following are some opportunities:
    • Mary Mross Public Policy Scholarship Information | Applications Due Friday, March 17
      DSHA will award one scholarship to a current sophomore or junior who demonstrates exemplary knowledge and passion for public policy. The award will be applied to her 2023-24 academic year tuition. Application information has been emailed to current sophomores and juniors. Hard copies can be picked up in Social Studies Faculty & Department Chair Patrick Dawson's room. A committee blindly reviews and selects the scholarship recipient based on that student’s merits. Note: Students who applied as sophomores are eligible to re-apply their junior year if they have not previously been awarded the scholarship.
    • Dashers Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship | Applications Due Friday, March 17
      The Dashers Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship was established in 2022 to be awarded annually to one student who has demonstrated her commitment to advocate for the unborn and serve the needs of expecting mothers. This includes, but is not limited to, membership in the Respect Life co-curricular, participation in pro-life events facilitated by DSHA, and/or service opportunities promoting pro-life initiatives. Application information will be emailed this week to students. The scholarship is awarded to one student entering her sophomore, junior, or senior year, meets the criteria stated, submits a short essay reflecting on experiences as a pro-life advocate, shows her intention to further the pro-life mission at DSHA, and provides two letters of recommendation. A committee blindly reviews and selects the scholarship recipient based on that student’s merits.
    • Alumnae Service Scholarship | Applications Due Friday, March 17
      The Alumnae Service Scholarship recognizes the tradition of service, a cornerstone of the DSHA community. One scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore or a junior who is enrolled for her 2023-2024 academic year. Consideration may be given to students who have financial need. Application information will be emailed this week to students. 

    Questions? Contact Director of Annual Giving Kathleen Mazelin.

    NEW! Greater Metro Conference Winter Scholar Athlete Award Winners

    Congratulations to the Dashers who qualified for the Greater Metro Conference Scholar Athlete Award!
    • Basketball |  Helena Cesarz, DSHA '23; Kelly Coury, DSHA '23; Meg Dorrington, DSHA '23, Ashley Jones, DSHA 23; Hailey Bachmann, DSHA '24; Lilly Cesarz, DSHA '24; Haley Feldbruegge, DSHA '24; Flan O’Keef, DSHA '24; Natalie Swiderski, DSHA '24; and Ally Timm, DSHA '24
    • Ice Hockey | Charlotte Fetherston, DSHA '24; Molly Jex, DSHA '24; Eleanor Langenfeld, DSHA '24; and Nina Szatmary, DSHA '24 
    • Ski | Joan Barry, DSHA '23; Piper Dupies, DSHA '23; and Payton Bradford, DSHA '24

    To receive this award from the conference, a student-athlete must be a junior or senior, varsity letter winner, and have a 3.5 or above cumulative GPA. Congratulations, Dashers!
    NEW! DSHA Varsity Basketball Regular Season Recap | The DSHA Varsity Basketball team wrapped up their regular season on Thursday, February 16. The team finished 4th in the Greater Metro Conference with a record of 8-7 and an overall record of 13-10.  
    They begin their journey to the WIAA State Basketball Championship with WIAA Regional play on Friday, February 24 against DePere at 7 p.m. at DSHA. If they win, they will take on the winner of the Hartford versus Milwaukee King game and will play on Saturday, February 25 at 7 p.m. at the school with the higher seed.
    Click here to view the WIAA website for more information on who, when, and where they will play. 

    NEW! DSHA Gymnastics Regular Season Recap | DSHA has a co-op with the West Allis schools to compete in gymnastics. DSHA has six girls competing on the team this season. The team competed in the Greater Metro Conference Tournament on Friday, February 17 to complete their regular season. 
    The WIAA Sectional is scheduled for Saturday, February 25 at Hartford beginning at 11 a.m., with the State Championship scheduled for Friday, March 3 - Saturday, March 4 at Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School.
    NEW! DSHA Ice Hockey Team Regular Season Recap | The DSHA Ice Hockey co-op team with University School of Milwaukee finished their regular season with a 18-5-1 overall record, including a 5-1 win in the last game of the regular season over the Stoughton Icebergs. 
    The team moved on to WIAA Regional play on Friday, February 17 and won against the Lakeshore Lightning. The team will move on to the Sectional Semi-Final game on Tuesday, February 21 at 8 p.m. against Fond du Lac at the Blue Line Ice Center.
    Click here to view the WIAA website for more information on who, when, and where they will play. 

    NEW! DSHA Ski Team Regular Season Recap | The DSHA Ski team finished the regular season with five first place finishes and 1 second place finish to take second place in the Midwest High School Ski Conference. 
    The team played in the Wisconsin Alpine Racing Association State Championship at Mount LaCrosse on Sunday, February 19 and Monday, February 20. Those competing in the state championships included Payton Bradford, DSHA '24; Riley Doerr, DSHA '26; Mack Doerr, DSHA '23; Piper Dupies, DSHA '23; Joan Barry, DSHA '23; Emily Peterson, DSHA '26; and Anne Klaus, DSHA '25.
    The DSHA Junior Varsity Ski team qualified for the Junior Varsity Midwest High School Ski Conference and will compete on Thursday, February 23. Best of luck to both teams!
    NEW! DSHA Snowboarder Chloe Rummel, DSHA '25, Competes at State

    Special congratulations to Chloe Rummel, DSHA '25, who took 1st place in boardercross snowboarding and 3rd place in slalom snowboarding Saturday, February 4 and Sunday, February 5. Rummel ended the regular season as the Midwest High School Ski & Snowboard Conference Champion in boardercross, 3rd overall for slalom, and 3rd for giant slalom in the overall conference standings. She is the only female to place in all three disciplines. 
    Rummel moved on to the Wisconsin Alpine Racing Association State Championship meet in LaCrosse on Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February 18 and will competed in all 3 disciplines. She received 3rd place in boardercross, 4th place in giant slalom, 6th place in slalom, and 4th place overall.
    NEW! Congratulations to Winter Captains

    We want to send a special congratulations to captains!
    • Basketball | Helena Cesarz, DSHA '23, and Ally Timm, DSHA '24
    • Ski | Joan Barry, DSHA '23; Caroline Denton, DSHA '23; Mack Doerr, DSHA '23; and Sally Manning, DSHA '23

    Students from other schools were chosen as captains on the gymnastics and ice hockey co-op teams.
    NEW! DSHA Spring Sports Information | Spring sports are just around the corner. If your daughter is interested in participating in lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, or track and field please have her check with Athletic Administrative Assistant Maureen Stowell in the Box Office to make sure she has filled out and turned in all of the athletic forms. If your daughter has already participated in a sport, she should be set to go. If spring is her first sport season, she may want to double-check.
    NEW! Tryouts and Start Dates for Spring Sports
    • Lacrosse Monday, March 6 – Friday, March 10 from 4- 5:30 p.m. at the indoor Uihlein Soccer Park on Pat Jones field. To be considered, your daughter must attend all tryout days.
    • Track and Field | Monday, March 6 in the DSHA Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium from 5:30-7 p.m.
    • RugbyTuesday, March 14 in the DSHA Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium from 7:15-9 p.m.
    • Softball | Monday, March 13 through Wednesday, March 15. Tryouts will be broken into two groups the week before. Group one, mostly freshmen and sophomores, will tryout from 3:05-4:35 p.m. Group two, mostly juniors and seniors, will tryout from 4:15-5:30 p.m. On Wednesday, March 15 all groups will tryout from 3:05-5 p.m. and team assignments will be completed from 5-5:30 p.m. Your daughter must attend all three days of tryouts or speak with Social Studies Faculty & Softball Head Coach Tom Montgomery.
    • SoccerMonday, March 20 through Thursday, March 23. Tryouts will be held at Hart Park 7300 W Chestnut St, Wauwatosa, WI 53213. Varsity tryouts are from 4-5:30 p.m. and Junior Varsity 2 and Junior Varsity tryouts are from 5:30-7 p.m. All tryouts will be outside on the Hart Park turf field. Your daughter must attend all tryout days to be considered.

    NEW! Spring Sports Picture Day | Wednesday, March 29

    All spring sports pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 29 after school in the Chris & John McDermott Gymnasium. Each sport coach will provide information on how to order a team and/or individual photo.
    NEW! Basketball Team Gives Back
    On Saturday, February 11, the DSHA Varsity Basketball team volunteered to work the 26th Annual Steve Cullen Healthy Heart Club Run/Walk. The organization helps fund life-saving heart research at the Medical College of Wisconsin in memory of former Milwaukee Alderman Steve Cullen who died of a heart attack at the age of 40. The Alderman was the father of DSHA Athletic Trainer Annie Cullen Olivares, DSHA '04. The Dashers served water during the race and chili to the runners after the race. The team had a wonderful experience!

    NEW! DSHA Varsity Basketball Senior Night Recap
    The DSHA Varsity Basketball team celebrated senior and senior parent night on Tuesday, February 14 prior to warm-ups of their 7 pm game. We honored seniors Helena Cesarz, DSHA '23; Kelly Coury, DSHA 23; Meg Dorrington, DSHA '23; and Ashley Jones, DSHA '23. In addition, we will also celebrated team managers Caitlin Organ, DSHA '23, and Grace Pawlowski, DSHA '23.
    NEW! Milwaukee High School Sports Awards Girls Tennis Play of the Year | Winner Announced Tuesday, May 23 at the Pabst Theatre
    The Milwaukee High School Sports Awards program announced the nominees for girls tennis player of the year on Tuesday, January 31. Two DSHA student-athletes were nominated including Molly Jex, DSHA '24, and Liz