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A Reflection from the 2023-24 Outstanding Pro-Life Advocate Scholarship Awardee

Emma Bruckman, DSHA '24
Established in 2022, this scholarship is awarded each year to a student based on her involvement in the Respect Life Co-Curricular at DSHA, and/or service opportunities promoting pro-life initiatives. At DSHA, the Respect Life Co-Curricular promotes awareness-of-life issues including advocating for the unborn and expectant mothers, human trafficking, the death penalty, euthanasia, aging, dying, mental illness, brain disorders, and more. Emma Bruckman, DSHA '24, was chosen as the recipient of this scholarship for the 2023-24 school year. Read on for an excerpt from her scholarship-winning essay.
"Deeply rooted in the pro-life movement is love, and that out of everything is what I brought to school with me. My mission was not to persuade others to agree with me, but rather to love so unconditionally that they see what it means to be pro-life.

In Respect Life Club we have focused on all areas of being pro-life such as foster care, adoption, the death penalty, and mental health. We have gotten to speak with social workers and learn what it is like to be an adopted child. I want to continue my mission throughout DSHA and first love each person to further the mission. I hope to collaborate with other clubs and host more drives and fundraisers.

Being pro-life is truly a part of my identity because of how much it affects my character. It is through love that we can change and soften people’s hearts and minds. It is also through love that we love the unborn, incarcerated, and mentally ill. Everyone is deserving of life and everyone is deserving of love as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. says “hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
    • Scholarship awardee Emma Bruckman, DSHA '24.

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

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