Reflections from Woman of Character Scholarship Awardees
This Woman of Character Scholarship was established in 2007 by Christina Engel Scopturr, HA ’70, with her husband Paul, parents of Carolyn McNally Scoptur, DSHA ’02; Katherine Scoptur Lawton, DSHA ’04; and Alexandra Scoptur, DSHA ’08. This scholarship recognizes that as peers, students are role models to one another, and honors one senior, junior, and sophomore for being proactive and dynamic students who are enthusiastic learners, bold explorers, courageous achievers, and community builders. Students are first nominated by faculty and staff, and then from a pool of finalists, faculty and staff determine an awardee from each of three classes.
Hailey Bachmann, DSHA '24 "Not a day goes by that I don’t become a stronger, more confident young woman by the values DSHA teaches the student body. I have deepened my faith, and developed confidence within the classroom that extends to my daily life. I will forever be grateful for the DSHA experience and the opportunity to take these teachings on to the next chapter of my life. To be a recipient of this scholarship means the world to me. I truly try to live my life devoted to Christ. I have learned and have been taught the importance of character, integrity, and loyalty through activities and important role models in my life. I am so very grateful for the Woman of Character scholarship not only for the monetary value but to be recognized for living a Catholic life, devoted to the service of others. With God's words and my strong belief in His words, I use every day to be the best person I can, not only for myself, but everyone around me. I look to God to guide and help me find my path through the difficult obstacles in life." __________
"Hailey is grateful for her education and knows that it is the key to success. She works hard and is determined to do well in her classes. Her goal is that every Dasher feels welcomed and included. Her actions show it—you will see her flipping pancakes during finals or Catholic Schools Week, or recording videos to promote athletic events, or helping with PB & J ministry and collections day. At DSHA, we have a philosophy about how one expresses one’s faith which is ‘head, heart, hands.’ Hailey truly lives by it.” ~Theology Faculty Mary Duffy
DSHA Activities & Involvement
National Honor Society
Campus Ministry Officer
Respect Life Co-Curricular
Raise Awareness Co-Curricular
Student Athletic Advisory Council
Peyton Washington, DSHA '25 "I have gained leadership skills and confidence from DSHA. I love being at anall-girls school.I’m so much more comfortable and willing to go out and try for different leadership roles across various activities due to the encouragement from others and the supportive environment I receive here. I also feel more comfortable asking for help during class or ALPHA (Academic Learning Place for Higher Achievement), and have grown academically because of the teachers and resources we have at DSHA. It is so special to be gifted this scholarship because I put a lot of effort into encouraging community and friendships within DSHA. For example, helping organize Dasher Dialogues, serving at Mass, SOC activities, or other experiences throughout the school shows my hard work and involvement is paying off and having an impact on my peers. I’m really thankful for the donors, alumnae, and others whose generosity made this scholarship a possibility for me."
__________ “Peyton is an amazing, mature young woman! As a sophomore last year, she served as a Marian Scholar Peer Mentor, yet remains part of the program as a substitute despite her busy academic schedule as a junior. She makes herself available to all the girls in the Marian Scholar Program, as well as her peers, and always says ‘yes’ when a request is made of her. Oftentimes, Peyton helps before she is even asked and does so with a smile on her face. She has a great attitude and a positive impact on everyone in the building and the Marian Scholar Program.”
~Director of Marian Scholars Mary Anderson
DSHA Activities & Involvement
Marian Scholars Peer Mentor
Sisters of Culture
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission of Student Council
Student Recruiter
Ministry Mass Server
Swim & Dive
Angeline Ortiz Mireles, DSHA '26
"I’ve built a strong sense of confidence since being here. As an all-girls school, every leadership position is held by other women and serves as a visual reminder that we are capable. The all-girls environment reminds me that we can do anything we set our minds to and encourages me to work hard and stay determined. I knew coming into DSHA I’d receive a great education, but I’ll leave with the qualities of a Dasher (Woman of Faith, Self-Advocate, Critical Thinker, Communicator, and Leader) that help me, and others, become a better person. To receive this scholarship reminds me that when you act and treat people with kindness, it is impactful. It feels rewarding to know that the things I do around the school—Campus Ministry events, Furia Latina activities, Dasher Dialogues—have a positive impact on my peers. I’ve always wanted to dive into the DSHA community. Receiving this award reminds me that I belong here. Additionally, the scholarship shows the generosity of the donors and the larger DSHA community. This year, I'll be traveling to Costa Rica for a field study experience with otherSTEM students. Scholarships help provide for unique experiences that I’m so thankful for." __________
"Angeline is open and willing to be part of community- building activities at DSHA, whether she conceives of them or not. She has this sense of ‘anything is possible,’ especially when she’s working with others. For example, last year, as a freshman, she gathered Dashers from all classes during lunch to make Valentine’s Day cards for residents of a nearby elderly care home. In addition to Angeline’s other activities here, she thought of ways other Dashers could uplift senior citizens in our community. In short, Angeline is respectful, creative, extremely hardworking, and always has a positive attitude. She lives the Goodness and Kindness."
~Director of Salvatorian Service Dr. Katie Daily Pickart, DSHA '84
DSHA Activities & Involvement
Service Team
Furia Latina
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission of Student Council
Hailey Bachmann, DSHA ’24; Peyton Washington, DSHA ’25; and Angeline Ortiz Mireles, DSHA ’26, pose with President Katie Konieczny, DSHA '92, after receiving their 2023-24 Woman of Character Scholarship awards.